i have been looking everywhere even on here BUT she is or seems to be doing just fine now
i am sure she is thrilled to have that staple out of her mouth UGH
i felt so bad for her but i do and have to realize they peck at lots of stuff... i almost never let them
out of my site even take my eyes off them... i have been so afraid of something happening to them
they are so sweet! i will have THAT pic up too soon with pics of my babies...
the 2 girls have just starting laying eggs but she had not and i had noticed she had lost some weight...
NOW i know why she lost weight and why she wasnt laying eggs bless my baby girls little heart (mouth)
i was looking because i wasnt for sure if i HAD to give her antibiotics but i will keep checking on her and her little mouth (beak)
to make sure it is healing properly .. i have lots to learn, for sure.

I have 1 project that is 2 hens I hatched out last year that are Silkie/Dominicker mix. The are Dom colored with 5 toes, feathered feet. 1 has black legs and the other has yellow lags. I have them penned up with a Black Silkie Roo trying to see if I can get more of that Dominicker checkers to show up in their offspring also and try to get them to breed true.

I also hatched out about 10 Silkie/Phoenix mixes last year and they are my 2nd project. They have the Phoenix look but have black skin, legs and 5 toes. Just now starting to lay a little bit so when some of my other Silkies go broody I'm going to put whatever I have under them to see what I can hatch out.

Still trying to figure out what my mysterious coloring I have come across in some of my other Silkies I have. I don't know if they are Partridge, Paint or something else. I posted some pics of those a day or 2 ago so they are 3 pages back if anyone wants to comment on them and let me know what you think those colors are.

I have egg customers that think brown eggs are "better for you". Supermarket thinking....geez.

BamaDude -- I think on the social forums like this one, it is fine to advertise buy/sale/trade.

If buying grocery store eggs I do buy brown.. because they can't vigorously clean them like they do white eggs. But yeah, it's not white bread vs. whole wheat
I've got officially two dozen muscovy eggs now haha

SO if you need some, Bamadude.. come on over. Now only for eating, because I don't know if they're fertile. It seems muscovy eggs aren't like chicken eggs. I don't see a bullseye and those yolks are THICK. Think custard thick. Hard to whisk haha. But they're yummy.
That is very kind of u tomtom. If u lived closer I would surely want to taste 1. Maybe u will be getting plenty of them for hatching when I get my gangsta bator in may
I've had "farm fresh" but never my own eggs. Hopefully in three more months! We're so enjoying the girls, it's like having a newborn that is growing a year a week... :)

Question: Would it be cool to have a map of all the active Alabama members (general locality, not addresses)? Maybe even bordering counties from other states?
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