Welcome from Montgomery Bama! This is weird. I'm never the first one to greet a new person to our thread.

What are you looking to raise?
Newbie here, from south of Dothan...dandy near Florida.

Welcome! You are in the best place to learn what you need to know about chickens. If you need any help, just let us know. My best advice is to make your first step this -

!. Decide how many birds you might EVER want to have on your current property. Lets say you plan to start with 6, but may increase that number to 12.

2. Double that number (24)

3. Plan your first coop to house that number of birds. The guidelines state that per large fowl you need 4 sq. ft inside (10x10 coop for 24 birds) and 10 sq. ft outside (10x24 run.) Place it where there will be room for another that size to be built later!

It sounds like I'm being funny, I'm perfectly serious, ask anybody, it's called "chicken math."
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Hey y'all, I have four recently empty pens, looking for some Japanese and polish bantys to fill the empty spots. Any colors, doesn't matter much. Anyone got any or know some good breeders that do? I'm located in central talladega county sylacauga to be exact



These are all I have other than my layer EEs and I got unlucky on the hatch with five Roos and two pullets. I lost my grey jap roo to unknown causes, got lucky and then hen got one hatch off before this happened and wound up with a hen and a roo. I have my first hatch of good lace polish in the brooder, and I can't for the life of me get my sebright hen to lay anymore without eating the egg before I can get it. Just looking to get more of a variety into the flock. Also who is the best person on this site to get real ameracaunas?

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