Good morning everyone from Owens Cross Roads Al. Finally back in the chicken business again getting 10 chickens today gonna have a mixed flock with 6 buffs 2 wyanadontes and 2 Rir. There shipping from ideal poultry in Texas should be here this morning so I am patiently waiting for a call from the post office.
Ok alabamians. Anyone else having problems with mites on their chickens? I've tried all the organic methods. They seem to work for a week and then the mites come back even worse.

So I have always kept a buck with a lid full of white vinegar and orange peels and I put a valve on the side at the bottom of the bucket and filled up a spray bottle and soaked my coop and run down it's potent and will make the coop smell better and kill about anything at least in my opinion.
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Hello! We are neighbors! I'm in Buhl. Say Roll Tide, you are in Tuscaloosa! Besides, you can't be undecided in Alabama. You HAVE to pick a side.
[COLOR=B22222]Roll Tide Roll!!![/COLOR]
I'll take.. ROLL TIDE! since you're in Buhl, you might know where gordo is? It's right past Northport, that's where I actually live just didn't think many people knew where that was! I have family that lives in buhl and some friend of my grandparents that lives in buhl that raises bantams!
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So, I think I'm one of the few people in alabama, if not the country, that has Seramas! I have six small chicks 4 days old. There colors are uncertain right now but will be clearer later on. I will sell these for 25$ each or 45$ for a pair, a rooster and a hen. But not yet. My address and contacts will be added soon, as a way to buy these if interested! Also, if you have a silkie or any other breed that will brood these fragile eggs, you can buy eggs 5$ apiece with no guarantee to hatching. You can message me privately. B

No better feeling than walking in the post office yesterday and hearing baby chicken chirps brought these guys and gals home yesterday around lunch by the way if anyone needs some roosters let me know apparently if you don't check your email and pay the extra for heating pads you get roosters to keep the box warm .. lol fail to plan,plan to fail...
When do I need to take these chicks out of the brooder I walked in yesterday cause I was gone and they weren't supposed to hatch till today but found 3 found another this morning 4 or 6 weeks

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