Alagaesia - a human, dwarf, urgal, elf, dragon, wherecat, and others RP - re-start!

Eragon looked around the massive castle, it looked ready enough for the celebration.
Saphira nodded *you did well little one* she said gently nuzzling him.
Eragon smiled, he went to do a few other things.

Sophia yawned and stretched out, she cleaned some dirt off her scales from laying on the ground.
Arya looked up at Sophia and smiled.
Quote: He stopped rowing; they were at Uru'baen. he could hardly conseal his excitment. hopefully, within only a couple hours, he would reign as king over alagaesia! of course, he would change his name. "here i leave you." he said, getting of the watercraft and practically running to the gates of Uru'baen.
Eragon looked around the massive castle, it looked ready enough for the celebration.
Saphira nodded *you did well little one* she said gently nuzzling him.
Eragon smiled, he went to do a few other things.

Sophia yawned and stretched out, she cleaned some dirt off her scales from laying on the ground.
Arya looked up at Sophia and smiled.
Alexa finished getting ready for the masked ball.
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He stopped rowing; they were at Uru'baen. he could hardly conseal his excitment. hopefully, within only a couple hours, he would reign as king over alagaesia! of course, he would change his name.  "here i leave you." he said, getting of the watercraft and practically running to the gates of Uru'baen.
Alexa finished getting ready for the masked ball.

she nodded and sat for a.moment then sprinted after him, very quietly. (Since you wanted me to follow.....)
Quote: (yup! (; this could be epic...)
Cruor ran silently toward the castle, hiding in the shadows. he had no idea he was being followed, to intent apon his prey.
Arya looked down at her clothes "I guess I should get dressed huh?" she asked Sophia.
Sophia nodded.

Eragon smiled, only a few hours until the ball was supposed to start.
Alexa and Windstorm flew down to *the castle or wherever they're having the ball*
Cruor said something in the ancient language and then climbed up the castle wall like it was nothing. he then went on a balcony and paused for a moment, hiding from a passing by maid.

Shira flew up there very silently like an owl. She caught into a tree observing him and blending in his surroundings.

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