Alaska hatchers..How is everyone doing? Baby pics !!!!!!

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Ronny, is the baby blue? Looks blue! Can't believe it was an Orp who survived. Here is the baby's mama, Smoky.
Beautiful Orp you have there. Anybody have any ideas of chicken tractors that would be good for flying upland birds? i need two or three, one for ducks, and one or two for my pheasants, quails and chukar.. any ideas?
Hi guys. I hope everyone is getting on with summer. I have been going crazy with projects since I got back. The 2 little orphingtons I got from Tori on the way home are doing great. It was so nice to actually meet her. Super nice lady!
What does everyone do for bedding here? In Texas bedding was relatively cheap, but I'm in shock at what a compressed bale of shavings is and the straw is almost as bad. I thought straw was a no no due to mites and stuff anyways. I'm getting my brooder set up today and could use some thoughts on this.
Donna! Glad the little Splash Orpingtons are doing well.
It was so nice to finally meet you!!

Carmen, I get shavings from a local mill that turns logs for new homes. It's free, and the best stuff ever. I'd go out of business if I had to pay $20 each for bags of shavings!!
If you want shavings in Alaska, most any mill will give them to you.
Watch Craigs list for hay as well.
We were able to get 20 bales for $2 each last year, because it was low quality.
Thanks! I'll make some calls tomorrow. The kids and I spent the whole morning shovelling dirt and compost into three raised beds we constructed over the weekend. Then I had umpteen jillion things to do this afternoon. There never seems to be enough hours in the day. I guess tomorrow is brooder day. I wish I had three or four good broodies.
Life would be easier...hoping for them next year.
Sad egg news!
Deb and Ashia!
One of the eggs under the broody broke.
No clue why.
It might have been the egg that she pushed out a couple of days ago.
It looked like it was on track, or close to it in growth though.
Just a few more days to go.
Should hatch out over Saturday and Sunday, which would make a Monday pickup doable.
Would one of you pick up a few (5 or so?) CornishX before coming up, so we can swap the chicks out for her?
Deb mentioned me keeping two of the BCMs, but I would rather not.
Have too many breeds and half breeds running around here already.
Awww poor baby!

Paula, just how many chickens DO you have?? LOL

Been working on the coop today!! Got the ramp built from outdoor run to coop!! Got nesting boxes started!!
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