Alaskan neighbors come on out

Holy Cow! I wonder what happened?
I had been there once last year and he was just building up new barns and etc.
I dunno...

I told DH that I thought they had just gotten started. I contacted them earlier this year and had gotten on their "e-mailing list" and I had the feeling they were just gearing up. But with the listing of a 4-wheeler and truck, it sounds like they might be picking up roots and leaving? I wish I could get up there to see if there's anything I could use, but I just don't see myself making that trip for at least another month. Maybe I'll check back with them then.
I didn't! But they are not listing their Embden's now...I tried calling on those but they were closed last week when I was home sick. Got ducklings, 10...outsmarted them on the water on the second day, too! Filled the stainless steel bowl w/grass clippings and boy do they slurp loudly now:lol: but they are keeping the bedding dry and aren't soaking wet themselves now. They still go thru the motion of bathing:rolleyes:
Me, too! I put them in a home made cage out w/the geese this afternoon since our rain quit finally! The goslings are now the same size as the adult pair and the goslings are very interested in those lil peepers trying to swim in their grass filled water bowl. I'm hoping they'll all commune in the barn and yard together, easily as long as I build a bigger pond. I've got a large pond at the cabin but am worried ppl will become hunters of my birds while I'm at work. There is also the large bear still tracking the cow moose and calf which made the Nome Nugget news(paper) as all three walked thru part of town. The bear tracks looked small to me a month ago but now the police are saying its a large bear. That's wearing on the moose, poor things, with that much hounding!
(so glad we can chat on any topic LOL)
Try taking a milk jug and cutting a half circle out of the side (arc of the circle up like a setting sun) this way they have to stick their heads in to drink. then place the jug in a basin like a rubbermade wash tub thats big enough to fit the jug but not much else. any water they do manage to spill/splash gets caught in the tub.
That's the best I could find for our ducklings, It doubled the time between cleanings.
I am soooo happy. I just got 6 baby RIR's from Triple D's, They are gorgeous. I don't know if I got any roosters I think they are all pullets. If so I will get them a man later on. YEAH, They are so cute. My hubby is so sweet. And we replaced our son's duck that was killed by our dog. So we have 6 again. Wow I'm new and already have 6 ducks, 16 chickens and going to look at a horse today.

I think I'm getting in over my head.
Hi everyone
Im In wasilla,I have all banties,black silkies,sultans,red laced blue wyandottes,buff bramas,mille flurs,RBOE english and 3 ducks a call and 2 mallards,also have some bobwhite.looking for some bearded black silkies if anyone knows of any one whos got any? Ill be getting rid of some of the rooster from the above listed once ther old enough for me to sex,if anyones looking.Oh yeah could use a buff brama roo myslef as all 4 of mine turned out to be hens,pretty amazing i thought,usallys its the opposite

Ak bird brain- awsome idea for the ducks I was thinking of getting rid of mine cus there so messy but i think that is a great idea and will work really well.Thanks for sharing.

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