ALERT : Silkie Theft

Just a thought, maybe whoever stole him took him to breed to their hens and then returned him. If he was gone two days, there could have been a lot of breeding going on in that time. They had to have known what you had and where you had it and thought it through ahead of time. And I would think anyone would be smart enough to know that if they intended on keeping him that it would be obvious to anyone that saw him and knew about your chickens that he was yours. Again, just a though.
and I had heart palpitations when I read the ending, I thought you were going to say he was dead in the bag. That would have been the saddest ending ever.
I love the happy ending! I love your concern for other! Congrats! I really just dont know what to say I'm so happy!!
God Bless and I wll pray for your husband.
sweeter~~that thought had crossed my mind; I'm pretty certain there will be little "Franks" running around western NC that aren't from his wives that live here in Bat Cave
I was thinking maybe they just threw him in their pen with the rest of the chickens thinking all would be well, and maybe the other chickens beat him up. It would explain the cuts and missing feathers and perhaps the perp decided they could not cope with fighting? Just a suggestion I guess. Glad he is home. Fingers crossed for your hubby...
You would probably be able to prove that they were yours, but first, someone would have to look at the band numbers and realize it, and then the obvious claim could be that they purchased the birds. Proving THAT would likely be difficult, but I think laws would favour you having the birds returned (assuming that the theft was reported at the time). And as you said, the bands can be cut off, removing that means of identification.

I have long thought that tatooing would make good identification for show or special birds.

Having a dog who had an ear tattoo that was cut off, I can't say I'd tattoo as means of perm identification. Granted, the idiot who had him tattooed then dumped him because he was missing the ear leather, thus he's with us.

Microchips are pretty good, but how many people scan birds is pretty low I think.

Glad to read that Frank got home!!

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