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Some photos from 2020

and a neat dragonfly from a few weeks ago:
Beautiful photos @Alohacayo - I hope you see another nest this year!
I hadn’t been up the hill yet until this evening. The nest was gone. (Pics were from early June 2020.) We had a feral hen that was using those trees as roosts from October to February, so it’s quite probable she knocked it. I’ve got 3 trees up a 30% slope, main reason I couldn’t catch the hen, so I don’t get up there often.

Last week I bought out a tractor supply store of all they had of those little mason jar feeders (can recommend!) and added them to my other 5. The yard has been hopping ever since. Going through almost a 1/2 gallon of nectar a day. Mostly Anna’s & Costa’s.

Haven’t had time to get pictures cause it’s been 95°, and I’m prepping my moms yard for her coop & run & I’d like to get her chooks out of my laundry room soon. So I’ll be back. Lol
Well, the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are on the move South. Here in Alabama, we have only a handful left - they generally are gone in October. Only about 5 or 6 birds here now, but we love them and have lots of feeders for them and any stragglers.

A week ago, we had a large boom of them coming through and many birds visiting the feeders. Here is a short clip from September 21st. (Of course everyone wanted ONE feeder, when there are 3 right in this little area!)

Hummingbird Spot's newest video - This is a wonderful video featuring Sheri L. Williamson, renowned birder who is the author of the field guide Hummingbirds of America (click to be linked to the book on Amazon, we are members of the Amazon Affiliate program and can earn a slight commission if you make a purchase through our link, thank you!)

This was a very good video that discusses how we have come to use the 1:4 (sugar:water) ratio for making our own nectar for hummingbirds. Give it a watch!

P.S. Hummingbird Spot's nest camera for Emerald the female Allen is now back up!


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