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Free Ranging
9 Years
Apr 24, 2015
Thank you for the post! I sometimes used red dye! I will definitely stop now! I'm excited for the hummingbirds, too! So far I haven't seen any!

This is a picture from last year! I was obviously bothering him/her. Mama hummingbird came so I had to leave shortly after taking the picture. I'm sorry for bothering you, little one! They had a nest in our plum tree, so when the plums grew on it they weighed down the branches to eye level.
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Here is some information to help you learn about making nectar for your hummers, and keeping feeders clean. Videos courtesy of Hummingbird Spot on YouTube. I really enjoy her channel, and the resources to educate hummingbird lovers.

Keep those feeders free of red dyes, and make your own nectar with the correct sugars (not artificial sweeteners, molasses, or honey)

Are YOU having issues with bully hummingbirds? Territorial hummers may be guarding your feeders, giving the others a hard time.
Check out the video below, and learn about this behavior. From personal experience, I will say that spacing my feeders out greatly helped. Consider planting hummingbird-friendly, native flowers as a natural nectar source (that doesn't require cleaning!) and remember that hummers also consume insects for protein.


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