all ash dust bath, bad idea???


10 Years
Apr 12, 2009
Pacific Northwest
Hi, we had a nice dust bath going in the summer and then kind of forgot about it and it dwindled to nothing. Right now everything is wet, wet and I don't want to take an expensive trip to town to buy sand if I can avoid it. What I do have on hand is wood ash from our stove. I know it is usual to mix some in with sand and other things but in searching this I have seen a few people who seem to mention only the ash. Would that be o.k.???? I am just a little worried that it would produce a lot of dust that they might inhale (although it would be outside). In a pinch I could go get some sand from the beach, wash the salt out and slowly dry it under our wood stove. I could also try the same with a wet bag of peat moss. Do you think it is best to do a mixture??? I will be mail ordering some food grade diatomaceous earth which I would add later.

Would like your thoughts on this.

thanks as always
I'd throw in some powdered dry eucalyptus leaves if you have any
We have an outdoor woodburner and we throw all the ashes behind the stove, which is under some pine trees. When there's no snow and they are free ranging they spent a ton of time haveing dust baths in nothing but ashes. They are perfectly fine. So now they have a dust box in there coop that has nothing but ashes in it. I have no problem with any bugs.

Thing more natural then chemical. Your eating the eggs & meat
The only problem I see is ash + water = lye. Lye is caustic and can cause burns. Use with cation.

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