All birds dead

All the suggestions are right on the money. Like everyone said, the first thing to do is predator proof you facilities so you're protected from all predators in case you're wrong about the cat. Coons are extremely dextrous so when considering locks/latches go with something good. Personally I use the hasp type closures and put keyed locks on them - that's the only sure-fire thing a coon can't figure out. I would get rid of the feral cat if you could just because they are surely a threat to your flock. If you didn't raise birds I wouldn't worry about him. Hav-A-Hart traps work great for cats so that's definitely the way to go if you want to live-trap, and sardines or any fish smelling lure will work good. If there's more than one feral cat in the hood they'll attract other predators like foxes and coyotes looking to make a meal of them, so it's best to permanently remove as many as you can.
Thank you everyone for the advice and input! You've all been very helpful. Update about the predator, last night my dog went off like an alarm and chased a large street cat from where the quails used to be. Very large white cat, it's the same one I see fighting younger cats on the street every now and then. Don't know who he belongs to though. He seems to go everywhere...
Live traps are the best. You can buy them at any feed store and they come in all sizes. When we set them we use tuna or sardines for bait and cover the trap with limbs and leave.
I agree with Howard weasel or there cousins will kill all they can, a sign of them usually is heads bitten off and body not eaten .They suck out there blood A cat would eat several then come back the next night and again and again.Try electric fences they work for me
good luck

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