All chicken breed thread!


Crossing the Road
7 Years
Apr 3, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
This thread is for all chicken breeds!
Post pics and share stories of your flock! All breeds are welcome! Also if you have chicks I would love to see pics!
Hello Sarah,

I really like this thread!
To start it off, I got some pictures today!

Here is my BO hen named Sophia!
She was my very first chicken of my own.

She pecks my Dad's hand,
she was my friend from the start!

She turned 6 yrs the day before Mothers day!


Enjoying a breeze before the rain storm!


Yuck! It started to rain! Time to go home!

I also took a picture of my Daffodils!


ADORABLE! Thanks for posting K!

Thank you!

Oh and sorry I never replied for some reason I'm some of my threads I don't get alerted.

I have had that problem too! I don't like when it does that either!

I was going to respond before when I signed on, but I had to do a email confirmation. So I couldn't do anything, it's back though! :ya

I'm new to chickens I got the first ones last Friday and already I can see chicken math starting lol. I started off with 3 silkies and 3 Easter eggers. A few days ago I decided I wanted more future egg colour variety for the toddlers to collect in the fall.. soooo I kept one silkie and one easter egger and sold the other 4, so I could get 4 more (1 of 4 different breeds) in stead yesterday I picked up 3 black copper marans, and tomorrow some cream crested Legbars are due to hatch and I'm first on the list for 2 females.. sooo that puts me up to 7 (already one more than the 6 original, which was one more than the 5 my other half approved lol) aaaand I'm still trying to hunt down the elusive salmon Faverolles, and the basically non existent (that I can tell) Langshan! My issue is I need it to be local since no one will ship less than 25 chicks and I only want two of each.. maybe next year if I'm lucky enough to have some broody hens I'll order eggs and they can hatch them for me LOL anyways that would put my total chicks up to 11 and I can see it getting more out of control as time goes by, I want all the breeds :lol:


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I'm new to chickens I got the first ones last Friday and already I can see chicken math starting lol. I started off with 3 silkies and 3 Easter eggers. A few days ago I decided I wanted more future egg colour variety for the toddlers to collect in the fall.. soooo I kept one silkie and one easter egger and sold the other 4, so I could get 4 more (1 of 4 different breeds) in stead yesterday I picked up 3 black copper marans, and tomorrow some cream crested Legbars are due to hatch and I'm first on the list for 2 females.. sooo that puts me up to 7 (already one more than the 6 original, which was one more than the 5 my other half approved lol) aaaand I'm still trying to hunt down the elusive salmon Faverolles, and the basically non existent (that I can tell) Langshan! My issue is I need it to be local since no one will ship less than 25 chicks and I only want two of each.. maybe next year if I'm lucky enough to have some broody hens I'll order eggs and they can hatch them for me LOL anyways that would put my total chicks up to 11 and I can see it getting more out of control as time goes by, I want all the breeds :lol:
Aww those pics are so cute! Love those chicks!
I have had chickens for a while what would you guys score my rir rooster for standard of perfection


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