All flock+oyster vs layer feed (egg issues)


Mar 13, 2019
I’ve been feeding everyone except new babies allflock and grit and oyster grit in separate bowls. No one seems interested in the oyster but I wasn’t worried because everyone had nice shells. One started laying about 6 weeks ago and the rest followed shortly after. For a bit I was getting 3 to 4 out of 5 nice eggs but then a Last week there was a leather egg broken under the roosts. Yesterday there were 3 under the roosts and I got only 2 nice eggs again today one on the floor and a hen that faked having an egg twice yesterday faking again today and only one real egg! I showed them the oyster grit when I saw the first leather egg and they scoffed at it. Yesterday I pretended the oyster grit was treats and sprinkled it on the ground and they again scoffed at it. Should I try layer feed or could it be because they are still fairly new at it and wait to see?
My older chickens for years would never eat the oyster shell. A few had thin eggs at times. This year's hatch has finally decided to try some. I feed all flock and oyster shell, also. No grit, as they free range with plenty of dirt, sand, and such. However, my chickens have always loved crushed eggshell, so give them all you can find or get folks to donate. You can freeze if needed. However, if you sell your eggs, you may be limited on what shells you can obtain. I scatter the grit on concrete area, and throw down some scratch feed and sunflower seeds with it to get attention. I also have some in bowls, but they overall don't go for it much.
I bought some powdered milk that I planned to sprinkle on food when there were egg problems. but never used it, as lately no problems, and they started realizing the oyster shell might be worth eating. You could put out some plain yogurt. If you make your own, it's cheap.
I wish I knew how to make yogurt. I’ve made several life changes including healthier eating so I've been eating all the eggs and just threw out a bowl of shells I was saving because I couldn’t figure out how to grind them up enough to not be recognizable and would be devastated if they started eating their eggs.
I wish I knew how to make yogurt. I’ve made several life changes including healthier eating so I've been eating all the eggs and just threw out a bowl of shells I was saving because I couldn’t figure out how to grind them up enough to not be recognizable and would be devastated if they started eating their eggs.
I don't think that would cause that. Been doing it for 10 yrs. I just take a bowl of shells out, and crush with my hands and throw on concrete drive. If I'm really in a hurry, I throw down the shells, and quickly stomp and rub with my shoe bottom. They come running and gobble it up, except for roos. They know they don't need it. I'll try to find my yogurt recipe. Super easy.

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