All hens stopped laying!


May 24, 2024
All hens stopped laying at the same time! hello friends, poultry enthusiast here, was wondering if anyone had an issue like this and how corrected
Chickens are very sensitive to change and any minor stressors can put a halt on laying. What has the weather been like in your area? Many chickens stop laying when it gets to be severely hot or cold. Anything that could have stressed them out recently such as illness/treatment, predator attack, new additions to the flock, new coop, commotion around your property, etc.? How many hens do you have? What are there breeds and ages? What is their diet? How long have they not been laying?
Hello, thank you for your response, the weather here has been hot during the day 85* to 98*degrees, little cooler at night, I have fans in their runs running basically 24/7, no illnesses/treatments, new additions, new coop, there's always commotion in the property, there are 6 horses running around at different intervals daily 3 of which are mine, my neighbors horses are a bit rowdy, they are roping horses (lots of energy) they're out during the day while mine are in the barn, then in the afternoon we switch, his go in, mine get turned out, mine are older horses (very good ground manners) have 30 hens few roosters, Black Australorps 3rd year, Black Jersey Giants 2nd year, Brown Leghorns 2nd year, and Easter Eggers 18 months, a few Rhode Island Reds and Starlight Green Egger chicks i have in a brooder right now just bought at Tractor Supply Co. I feed them Organic Dumar Products (high protein) mixed with 5 grain scratch, diatomaceous earth, mealy worms, kale and greens every other day and veggies(no spinach) since i read that it can remove the calcium from their gut and cause them not to lay eggs, they are molting which I know can cause the egg production to slow down, so Adding more protein to their diet to help with the molting and as of few days ago im leaving out crushed oyster shells. Also, been hearing alot of detrimental information about Tractor Supply and their chicken feeds, so as of Wednesday just past i moved them to Henhouse Reserve Complete Chicken Feed from Kalmbach. they "all" stopped laying about the 3rd week of March, otherwise been very fortunate, hens are healthy, active, hand raised well adjusted birds, forgot to mention we add herbs and such to their diet, some fruit. So, Im leaving work now, heading to the ranch, eager to see how many eggs are in those boxes today-the highlight of my day!
feed them Organic Dumar Products (high protein) mixed with 5 grain scratch, diatomaceous earth, mealy worms, kale and greens every other day and veggies(no spinach)
Stop mixing in the scratch, it's not good for them so it should be less than 10% their diet.
Stop the DE. It won't accomplish anything. Neither will the herbs
Reduce the mealworms and veggie scraps, and kale also reduces calcium, even worse than spinach.
Though, it doesn't Stop laying, it just weakens shells and contractions.
There's nothing wrong with any feed store feeds, that has been proven to be nothing but Facebook clickbait.

As you have roosters, I recommend an all flock or grower feed with 18%-20% protein and provide oyster shells as you have been. Since their whole diet isn't organic, there's no point to spend the money on Organic feeds since their eggs or diet aren't considered organic under those standards.
It's also hot and they're molting, both normal conditions to stop laying.
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Thank you for the feed back, this is why i joined this forum, Im not big on social media, i usually google, or you tube when Im looking for specific data, its hard to change old habits, will take your recommendations into consideration for the benefit of my flock, much appreciated! JoeP
Chickens are very sensitive to change and any minor stressors can put a halt on laying. What has the weather been like in your area? Many chickens stop laying when it gets to be severely hot or cold. Anything that could have stressed them out recently such as illness/treatment, predator attack, new additions to the flock, new coop, commotion around your property, etc.? How many hens do you have? What are there breeds and ages? What is their diet? How long have they not been laying?
We’re having the same situation with our girls. Introduced two new girls to the existing flock two weeks ago, then one of our Brahmas was taken by a predator the next week. The older girls haven’t laid since then. We hear them singing their egg song, go into the nesting boxes, but don’t produce.

I did find two soft eggs on the poop board last week, chalked that up to their being stressed. We’re worried they may not lay any eggs anymore. Thoughts? And help would be appreciated
Good Evening Badger Farm, interesting in my case is that my girls had gone thru a dry spell from 3rd week of march until perhaps early May, i changed their feed and decided to thin out the canopy of Lychee branches over my runs, it was very dense that it did not let the sun thru, my girls are back to laying and haven't stopped or slowed down I also took the recommendations from others in here that have responded to my post and applied them, good people good advice in this forum, Im glad to be part of it......the weather here is very poor this week the highs are in the 96's, the lows in the 80's, it's been raining since Monday, most of the southern part of Florida down to the keys is under Flood Watch, present conditions forecasted to continue until Friday, the stalls and runs are on the higher end of the property thank goodness, however its very difficult to get in and out of the area due to streets and road being flooded...Ive lived in this area many years, you'd think I'd be used to all of this by now "nerve wracking"
We’re having the same situation with our girls. Introduced two new girls to the existing flock two weeks ago, then one of our Brahmas was taken by a predator the next week. The older girls haven’t laid since then. We hear them singing their egg song, go into the nesting boxes, but don’t produce.

I did find two soft eggs on the poop board last week, chalked that up to their being stressed. We’re worried they may not lay any eggs anymore. Thoughts? And help would be appreciated
Sounds like stress and even grief indeed. Don’t worry too much. They probably lay again within a few weeks if you live on the northern hemisphere and there is no red mite infestation or some other problem that occurred at the same time.

Its always good to give extra calcium like oyster shell and cut egg shells on the side. Calcium tablets can be helpful if the chicken(s) has a calcium shortage (do a search for more info).

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