So sorry for your loss. I hope you have plenty of pictures of the carnage. I would confront the dog's owners and let them know what happened. I read where you have contacted animal control. I would also console your survivor. Put her in a nice warm place with some of her favorite treats which will usually help to give her confidence. You can try to hold her but if she struggles put her back in the nice warm place. Don't give up. Good luck...
So sorry for your loss! I've had this happen to me, almost exactly as you describe. (Dog breaking through multiple barriers etc.)

I got the police involved and they went to court for me (I had lost quite a bit of $$$ birds) and actually won.

I was then paid back by the dog's owner. It was nice knowing that the dog owner had to take some sort of responsibility for their blatant disregard for controlling their dog!

My condolences to you and I wish you luck going forward.
Update: my neighbor called this morning letting us know two had escaped into her yard (my favorite Silkie and another one of my ladies). The one from our coop last night is doing well, the Silkie had no wounds, but the other lady who escaped has woods on her back, I’m surprised she escaped. I’m not sure her wound is healable, but I’m going to try. For now she’s in my garage and I treated her wound and put a chicken apron over is so she would leave it alone..
I’m so disappointed and sad and angry. My neighbors dogs climbed our 6 foot fencing that’s around our whole yard, got past our electric fencing somehow and into our chicken run and killed every single one of our chickens except for one. I don’t even know how they got into my chicken run. I’m just so angry and sad. Neglectful neighbors who constantly let their dogs roam free in our neighborhood. Currently dealing with animal control now, but nothing can replace them. 😭😭😭
That’s three obstacles they had to get past and somehow they still managed to kill them all. I was really looking forward to not doing chicks this year, but it’s unfortunately looking like we’re going to have to. So upsetting. I thought for sure we had our yard predator proof. Apparently not.
I am truly sorry that happened to you, it happened to me a month ago. I lost 2 favorite hen and a cockerel..

I confronted my neighbor he just played ignorant and apologized.
I told myself if I see his dog in my yard again it's gonna be a dead dog. And I won't apologize for it.
I used pallets around the bottom of my run to keep coyotes or dogs from killing my chickens. Its also got A COVERED top and an apron around the bottom so they can't climb in the top or dig under it. I wish you the best!


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I am truly sorry that happened to you, it happened to me a month ago. I lost 2 favorite hen and a cockerel..

I confronted my neighbor he just played ignorant and apologized.
I told myself if I see his dog in my yard again it's gonna be a dead dog. And I won't apologize for it.

I’m so disappointed and sad and angry. My neighbors dogs climbed our 6 foot fencing that’s around our whole yard, got past our electric fencing somehow and into our chicken run and killed every single one of our chickens except for one. I don’t even know how they got into my chicken run. I’m just so angry and sad. Neglectful neighbors who constantly let their dogs roam free in our neighborhood. Currently dealing with animal control now, but nothing can replace them. 😭😭😭
That’s three obstacles they had to get past and somehow they still managed to kill them all. I was really looking forward to not doing chicks this year, but it’s unfortunately looking like we’re going to have to. So upsetting. I thought for sure we had our yard predator proof. Apparently not.
The yard can't be made predator proof unless its got a top on it and an apron(then its no longer a yard)
Yeah, I decided just to let animal control handle it because my 9-month-pregnant hormones would make it very hard to control my anger towards them if I confronted them about it. My other neighbors have my back though, they have had animal control called on them multiple times for neglecting their horses and letting their dogs roam free all the time. They are also furious and will be speaking to animal control with me when I talk to them today.
I am truly sorry that happened to you, it happened to me a month ago. I lost 2 favorite hen and a cockerel..

I confronted my neighbor he just played ignorant and apologized.
I told myself if I see his dog in my yard again it's gonna be a dead dog. And I won't apologize for it.
The run has a top and an apron of hardware cloth around the whole perimeter. They got through the gate somehow forced it open. We are getting a chain to lock it up with.

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