All the Christian Homeschoolers!

Hello! I'm a Christian homeschooler and my family just started homeschooling in 2021. If you all have any tips for homeschooling that would really help, we really didn't do/learn anything in 2022 because we moved, and now we're moving again since my dad is becoming a pastor!
Unfortunately, that means all our poultry (except for 4 old quail, I hope) have to go :(
Hello! :frow
Sorry you're going to lose all your poultry :hugs
Hello! I'm a Christian homeschooler and my family just started homeschooling in 2021. If you all have any tips for homeschooling that would really help, we really didn't do/learn anything in 2022 because we moved, and now we're moving again since my dad is becoming a pastor!
Unfortunately, that means all our poultry (except for 4 old quail, I hope) have to go :(
Hi, welcome!
It's really sad to have to say bye to your poultry, but so exciting that your dad is going to be able to preach the Word. I hope the move goes well.
Your parents would benefit from getting involved in local homeschool groups, either online or in person. I know my county has a group, and my church has a co-op.
For history and literature, Tapestry of Grace is a good way to go, though some of the books are out of print. It's a Christian based curriculum.
For math, in my opinion, Life of Fred is the most fun series! It goes from elementary through calculus, trig, and all kinds of advanced maths, and even has a finances book.
For sciences, there's the 101 series, Christian based sciences.(Biology 101, chemistry 101). Lots of easy resources. And everyone has different ones to direct you to!
I would love to hear more about this! I don't spend anytime on the NaNoWriMo website anymore, or read the emails I receive. I never actually participate because there isn't any way I could write a 50,000 word novel...
I think they have a website now, but I'm not sure of the URL, I'll have to get it from my sister tomorrow. They have blog posts and whatnot on there. I do know the Instagram, it has all kinds of writing prompts and funny reels. You can also have the opportunity to do live write-ins via Discord voice channels if you wanted to.
Insta handle is @noquofficial, if you're on there. Even if you don't have it, it's still accessable.

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