All the Christian Homeschoolers!

So Mom was going out the door at 9:15 for church which starts at 9:45 and there was a chicken on the front porch. Once the uncooperative chicken is back on the right side of the fence she notices, Bertie, my Silkie rooster, who has apparently been standing out in the rain all morning. He now has to be taken inside and stuck in a box to dry. As soon as he has food, water, and the cover on, he dumps his water all over his shavings. So that has to be taken care of.
Just another day in the life of keeping chickens.
it can be frustrating the story of Morning Glory.
Morning Glory was the first chicken i had gotten that wasnt a RIR (she was a leghorn) and she had a sister named Clover. It was right before church when i went out an noticed her neck to be crooked. Being fairly new to chicken keeping and having never seen this before, i let it be until after church when my dad helped me do a little research. We found it was Wry Neck and it could be cured with vitamin E and a bit of time. I took Morning glory and put her in a box in the garage as her neck had gotten much worse and the other chickens were starting to give her a hard time. After about 4 days of regular syringe feedings and waterings and vitamin E, she started to get better until about a week later when a steep decline in health made me very worried. She went from being able to eat and drink herself to being almost completely immobile. Her comb turned purple and her pupils seemed to be leaking into the iris of her eye. I wouldnt give up though. I added gelatin, apple sauce, and sunflower seeds to her diet all of which had to be hand fed to her. There where times that i had to take her into the downstairs bathroom due to the low temperature and lack of heat lamp possession resulting in many unpleasant messes that had to be delt with. After a month of no improvement, Dad did another google search and found that what she had was Mereks, and this whole story ends with a gun in the backyard. Chicken keeping is no easy task and everybody that's never done it likes to think it is. Morning Glory didnt make it but she taught me a lot.

I now have a fear that someone is always following me actually. Its creepy and we live in a village of less than 400 people. I only feel safer if i have my dogs. Another creepy story is last week as i was taking my dogs out i take one at a time at night, so Tucker first. On a leash as always he goes potty then a cop car was driving around(had been for 3 hours). Then 3 kids come running down the road wait till i take Tucker in a then cross the road. After that i take Denver out and they are standing in our neighbors yard behind a tree, Denver being friendly to everyone and never barking, starts barking and growling. Luckily i had a leash in hand. But i never take her out with a leash. So i go and get my mom as we have no idea why these kids are running around in full black. We message the neighbor who has cameras that caught them. They took off running down the street toward a shop, that has cameras to. After that i couldnt sleep as i was actually worried they were trying to break in, to either the neighbors or our house. The only way to not get caught by a camera at our house would be to climb the fence in the way back yard and enter our garage from the back door. Sorry for the long post, i just needed to tell someone to get it off my mind.
I now have a fear that someone is always following me actually. Its creepy and we live in a village of less than 400 people. I only feel safer if i have my dogs. Another creepy story is last week as i was taking my dogs out i take one at a time at night, so Tucker first. On a leash as always he goes potty then a cop car was driving around(had been for 3 hours). Then 3 kids come running down the road wait till i take Tucker in a then cross the road. After that i take Denver out and they are standing in our neighbors yard behind a tree, Denver being friendly to everyone and never barking, starts barking and growling. Luckily i had a leash in hand. But i never take her out with a leash. So i go and get my mom as we have no idea why these kids are running around in full black. We message the neighbor who has cameras that caught them. They took off running down the street toward a shop, that has cameras to. After that i couldnt sleep as i was actually worried they were trying to break in, to either the neighbors or our house. The only way to not get caught by a camera at our house would be to climb the fence in the way back yard and enter our garage from the back door. Sorry for the long post, i just needed to tell someone to get it off my mind.
that is creepy.
We used to live in a sketchy neighborhood so we got our dog, Silas (RIP).
We used to find bikes and guns (prolly airsoft but i wasnt gonna go check) stashed away in the woods because they had been stollen.
that is creepy.
We used to live in a sketchy neighborhood so we got our dog, Silas (RIP).
We used to find bikes and guns (prolly airsoft but i wasnt gonna go check) stashed away in the woods because they had been stollen.
Yea it is. We have had more creepy stuff. Especially within the past 3 years. But guns and bikes... havent found that. Although there a affenders that live exactly 1 block to both sides of us. And there is this one person you really have to watch. Then last year a affender lived right next to us. My dad can conceal carry. And my dads coworked wants a GSD or a Belgian Malinois for protection, because we both live in super sketchy areas. Cant wait to move.
The last two days have felt like a whole week, gosh. I was practically lifeless yesterday, but at least now I'm not so tired.
I've been starting to think about college. In my boredom of illness, I decided to start online AP College Macroeconomics and AP College Art History, cuz why not! And I'm restarting Algebra again, this is attempt number 6! I haven't done school in a year and a half, but I would really like to go to college where my mom did.

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