All the Christian Homeschoolers!

All of them, but math is my main priority. 😊
I'm doing some school for summer too,but they are just electives I want, also studying for dog training and grooming
Im getting some more stuff wrapped up. I've got government, literature, and math to do mainly. The rest of my summer will be putting around with the Stranger.
I did horse based electives a few times, that was great fun. Health, training, and horsemanship.

Yeah, we do rally right now but the goal is agility. Thankfully there is a great agility program available this summer, plus I know the person who is teaching it, she's came to our 4-h
That's really neat! I have a friend who used to do dog shows years ago. They sound fun, we've just never been a big "dog" family, though we do have them as pets.

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