All The Stereotypes Of Australia


DH's stereotype of Australia, but he watches all those Discovery Channel shows "Australia's 10 Deadliest" "Killer Crocs" things like that
I think every body says, "g'day mate" and "Crikey."

and there's lots of crocs and aborigines.

and people don't ride kangaroos! They ride ostriches.

I second that.

I also think of being in Tasmania and being amazed by the sheer amount of roadkill there. Guess that happens when most of your native animals are nocturnal.
Australia has every geographic climate - from rainforests to deserts. Being in the southern hemisphere, seasons are reversed from the northern hemisphere and also north-south are opposite of the United States in that the North of Australia is hot and the south is cooler. Dec/Jan/Feb is summer, Jun/Jul/Aug is winter. In the far north (Northern Territory, North Qld), the climate is tropical. Instead of summer/winter/autumn/spring, there is the wet season and the dry season. Temperatures there do not range a great deal. However in the south of the country/continent, you definitely get all four seasons and it can be quite cool in the winter. There is even skiing in several mountain ranges.

So no, not all of Australia is "hot" and "desert", although there are certainly large parts of it (they love to glorify the "outback" in movies) that are.

tell Australia that it's supposed to have a wet and dry season- at the moment Autumn is playing up.
I'd love it if we had wild ostriches

I never actually seen a wild croc, I think I'd have a heart attack

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