all who are hatching quail

Well..good and bad news..I figured out my incubator was messed up. I had a wire plugged in that shouldn't have been causing the temperature to be 20 degrees off. I did float test and had 1 float so I'll try to get it to hatch! Will be ordering more eggs tomorrow to start over with tho..
Homemade incubators. For coturnix.
Anybody made one that is successful?
I have a polystyrene box and I presume I could make an incubator in there.
I heard for humidity you just need a dish of water with a sponge in.
I have 5 unsexed coturnix quail outdoors, one male living outdoors with my rabbit and a pair outdoors. One of my indoor quail we think has a dislocated hip, what can we be done about this?
I have made dozens of bators over the years from little styrofoam coolers to large wooden cabinets. I still use them as hatchers when things get busy. Done right, they work very well. the major draw back is the light on for less than a min. off for almost two. Will drive you mad at night....... you start doing thing like timing the cycles...... then you can tell when the light is on even with your eyes closed...... but I digress..... You must be comfortable with wiring to build one or have someone who is help you.... I use cups of water for humidity and when i want to raise humidity for lock down, i add a sponge to the cup so it is wicked up where it can more readily evaporate...... I build them with a redundant 40 watt bulb so if one burns out while im away, everything is still fine. it just takes it longer to cycle...... the single bulb heats slower so its on longer at a time.... You can build one of these for about $35 USD on the high side. you'll notice the puter fan for this one is on the bottom of the lid and brass wafer thermo in the end.....
the bottom one is slightly different and is a bit easier....

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Hello I have 14 snowflake bobwhite eggs incubating it's just day 9 and I hope it turns out good, I have hatched chicken eggs before but this is my first attempt at quail. I only have a few pair of adults (for now) and I was thinking about buying or building a hatcher so I could just add and take away eggs from my turner because I only have a few eggs at a time thinking this will increase production and not wanting to wait 23 days to set more eggs any feedback would be awesome thanks.
Most true "addicts" use a simple hatcher ;-) Most years my bators dont shut down for months. I use one of the above almost solely for hatching... Like you say, it keeps the eggs moving thru.... Thou 10 day old eggs are usually fine. I tend to collect eggs I really want for 7 days, and set them so they start hatching on Friday.. I like to be around at hatch time..... Plus chicks hatching once a week is just good for the soul..... Hope your Snowflakes work out for you. I set 50 white Bobs and 10 Albino chukar yesterday myself.... The season is upon us!
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I'm getting back into raising bobwhites this spring. I used to breed them and then release them to boost the wild population. Yesterday there was a female bobwhite at my back door, but flushed when I opened the door. I think it was a female that I released over 4 years ago, as she wasn't scared of me until the door opened towards her.
I built this homemade incubator using lots of good info here and you tube. I ordered quail egg trays for a Hova Bator $14.99 and replacement motor $9.99. Made my own frame and turning mechanism and it works great. I test ran it for 5 days and temps stayed 99-100 degrees, humidity would range from 48 to 50% with additional holes I can shut off to raise it. Anything else do I need to do. Be my 1st rodeo hatching anything.

Looks good to me texan4ut good job on the incubator the only concerne I would have is temperature most still air incubators which it looks like what you have recommend temp at 102 but 99 to 100 should work might just take an extra day or so to hatch.

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