all who are hatching quail

I have made dozens of bators over the years from little styrofoam coolers to large wooden cabinets. I still use them as hatchers when things get busy. Done right, they work very well. the major draw back is the light on for less than a min. off for almost two. Will drive you mad at night....... you start doing thing like timing the cycles...... then you can tell when the light is on even with your eyes closed...... but I digress..... You must be comfortable with wiring to build one or have someone who is help you.... I use cups of water for humidity and when i want to raise humidity for lock down, i add a sponge to the cup so it is wicked up where it can more readily evaporate...... I build them with a redundant 40 watt bulb so if one burns out while im away, everything is still fine. it just takes it longer to cycle...... the single bulb heats slower so its on longer at a time.... You can build one of these for about $35 USD on the high side. you'll notice the puter fan for this one is on the bottom of the lid and brass wafer thermo in the end..... the bottom one is slightly different and is a bit easier....
Thank you!
I built this homemade incubator using lots of good info here and you tube. I ordered quail egg trays for a Hova Bator $14.99 and replacement motor $9.99. Made my own frame and turning mechanism and it works great. I test ran it for 5 days and temps stayed 99-100 degrees, humidity would range from 48 to 50% with additional holes I can shut off to raise it. Anything else do I need to do. Be my 1st rodeo hatching anything.
Thank you

button babies just hatched extremely early this morning
I hatched buttons too, I had three hatch and one died but they are doing great and are getting their feathers all over their bodies last thing that needs feathering is their head
I set up a brooder in 10 aquarium for my snowflake quail that are pipping now. I put a75 watt infrared bulb on top and the temp is 90 degrees on the floor of the brooder. I have two questions if anybody could help out. Will this be warm enough for newborn chicks and how is infrared heat different from a regular bulb. Thanks in advance for any feedback.
I set up a brooder in 10 aquarium for my snowflake quail that are pipping now. I put a75 watt infrared bulb on top and the temp is 90 degrees on the floor of the brooder. I have two questions if anybody could help out. Will this be warm enough for newborn chicks and how is infrared heat different from a regular bulb. Thanks in advance for any feedback.
i believe infrared heat penetrates more so than white lights. also the infrared bulbs can help to lessen pecking and keep stress levels down so there is no overstimulation that the white lights can cause.
heres the article that has that info:

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