all who are hatching quail

Wow I'm not to your numbers at all stellar though I would love to be someday.

I gave them all progel which they gobbled and they are eating fine but only a few seem to be drinking. I tried pecking with finger and showing some but not sure what else to do. Some are not even a full day old so I know they have their yoke to sustain them I just don't want anyone getting blocked up. Any suggestions?
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Wow I'm not to your numbers at all stellar though I would love to be someday.

I gave them all progel which they gobbled and they are eating fine but only a few seem to be drinking. I tried pecking with finger and showing some but not sure what else to do. Some are not even a full day old so I know they have their yoke to sustain them I just don't want anyone getting blocked up. Any suggestions?

Have you dipped all their beaks in the water? You can also put shinny marbles in the water to attract them and prevent them from getting in the water.
I am hatching quail, today I go in there to check on them in the incubator and almost all of them have peeped but after they peep they die. Why are they dyeing and how can I help them?
I am hatching quail, today I go in there to check on them in the incubator and almost all of them have peeped but after they peep they die. Why are they dyeing and how can I help them?

What's your humidity?? Are the shrink wrapped or died out in the eggs? Open one up if you haven't and see what the chick looks like and how wet it is
The humidity was around 50-60 but we increased it to 80 it just got the tip of its beak out before it died..

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