all who are hatching quail

We checked the one that died and it appeared to be just fine, it was moist and its blood veins seemed fine...
I have around 50 Bobwhite hatched out of 98. More were hatching last I looked. Not bad for shipped eggs! Also there are 2 that appear to be Tennessee Reds!!! OOPS
I am hatching quail, today I go in there to check on them in the incubator and almost all of them have peeped but after they peep they die. Why are they dyeing and how can I help them?

Sorry Bugg.

IME they pip then can't turn to zip if turning wasn't adequate. It seems quail need optimal turning. My guess is that this is due to a higher yolk to white ratio than chicken eggs. Again IME (although somewhat limited) quail pip, then zip and hatch quite quickly. If they pip then fail to zip or start to zip but fail to completely zip I've intervened with a good deal of success. Right now I have 120+ coturnix in the incubator with my turner working properly. I am hoping for less need to intervene. I had issues with the turner due to human error with my last two batches of quail. I still had decent hatch rates just more help needed than I'm hoping for this time around.
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of my 98 Bobwhite eggs, 88 have hatched and only 2 have spraddle legs. I ended up with 2 Tennessee Reds. Don't know how that happened. As for the turning, I kept them in the incubator, turning till the 21st. day. Then into the hatcher, locked down. I have also had really great results with turkey and guinea eggs. The turkey and guinea eggs I had in a still air incubator had only about a 50% hatch rate, compared to a better than 90% in the GFQ bator and hatcher. I do believe the key to a great hatch rate is in the timing of the lockdown.
Starting 38 brown cots tomorrow. Should hatch right after the batch of 17 are ready to graduate to the freezer. Hope not all hatch or I'll run out of grow-out pens. What a problem to have very fertile eggs, huh?
I have 150 a&m white quail eggs that are suposed to hatch this weekend. I didn't have my humidity right last time and lost a lot that I shouldn't have. Hoping for better luck this time
I will keep my fingers crossed for you. I've been thinking a ou a&ms but I just had a hatch of jumbo browns so I need to get them penned out first.
I have two pens of around 40 quail each. One is mixed browns and one all A&Ms. They all were incubated and hatched together on the same day and now 8 weeks and 2 days old. The brown pen is laying 14-16 eggs a day while the A&M pen only lays 1-3 a day. Does anyone else have experience with the different egg laying of the A&Ms?? I thought they were a different strain but still coturnix and were supposed to start laying at 6 weeks. I am about to start sending them to freezer camp if they don't get with the program and give me some eggs!!
So I separated big from small today so hopefully this will stop the bullies. In doing so I noticed I have a handful of my jumbo pharaohs with white feathers coming in on their wings. Does this mean a color mutation or are they probably mixed breed. I ordered pharaoh eggs.

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