all who are hatching quail

Today is day 17 and we have our first baby working his/her way out !!!!
This is so exciting. Our very first hatching quails. Lovely timing though ! lol
Husband is at work and the kids are in school.

So this is day 17 at 9:30 am central !!! Go little one !!!
I'll worn you newbies, hatching quail is addicting!! They are so fast and easy. Every time I keep 100 to raise and think I'll get ahead in putting a lot in the freezer we still don't seem to have enough. My family eats them at least twice monthly. And every time there is any type of family gathering everyone wants me to cook quail. This summer we have processed over 300 and I only have 32 still in the freezer. That is until bird processing day this Sat. My goal this weekend is to get 7 chickens and at least 50 quail processed, and get my younger JG chickens mixed in with my big flock. AND my 200 XLD jumbo quail eggs from JMF are due to hatch, so I have to get the big brooder ready.
Any one use the nipple type waterers for chicks? At what age can they start on the nipples? I use the cups in my grow out and breeder cages but sure get tired of filling the flip over waterers in the brooder plus they take up more room.
All my quail eggs died.
But then again, most of them were cracked and only about 3 of them made it to hatch day. If you guys had to guess, would hatching quail be harder or easier than hatching chickens?
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