all who are hatching quail

Titika, could I ask how you smoke yours? I have a hood BBQ and was wondering if I could smoke quail in that, and whether to use hot smoke?
The only real thing to worry about is that the flesh dries fast and if you smoke it too long it will have a jerky like texture on the outer flesh. If your smoking them in a bbq you can just open a can of cold beer and settle it into the coals it will act like a moisture pan and hydrate the birds as they cook.
Anyone know what colors these will end up being? I have one that is feathering out all brown.


And then the lighter tuxedo is throwing me off. All of my tuxs are like the dark one and then I have the lighter one. The camera makes it look darker, but its color is almost a light chocolate.


i have also got 1 white chick hatched today.
all my quails are jumbo cortunix, and brown.
but this white one, im a bit worried,
could it be albino?
will it grow out to be full white?
is it healthy to breed it?
please advise.

thank people
i have also got 1 white chick hatched today.
all my quails are jumbo cortunix, and brown.
but this white one, im a bit worried,
could it be albino?
will it grow out to be full white?
is it healthy to breed it?
please advise.

thank people
Not likely albino. White is just another color. Probably just had two parents that carry the white gene
I just had 24 coturnix hatch last night and this morning. set 24 and had 24 hatch 100% hatch rate never had that happen with any eggs ever. The eggs were laid here at my house from chicks I hatched back in Dec.

Good Luck everyone! Oh wait my Aunt told me it's bad luck to say good luck when hatching eggs. So hope your hatches go well?!!

That's awesome. Did your dry incubate them if you don't mind me asking
I did do a dry hatch, but it was in a room in my basement which has a sump pump. So the incubator was dry but the room in the basement was cool and had more humidity then the rest of my house.
I can't believe that was almost a year ago already.

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