i have 1 pair mateing and no eggs yet and one pair sitting should be due to hatch in about a week. i use pine bedding for mine and they r frillbacks. their feed is layer crumbles, a seed mix and cage bird grit and they get treats too. first 2 nests the eggs were duds so i pulled them and only one pair has remade a nest so far but the mateing pair should soon too.
I allways keep fresh pine shavings,red grit,fresh water. I let them out almost everyday for exercise and sunlight.
Hope this helps.
If you want to raise more out of a particular pair of birds each year. what I use to do is take the two eggs when they lay them and stick them under a pair I didn't want squabs from. then they will lay back right away.
Not that I care, but just wanted you to know that you are resurrecting a thread from 2008. Probably either the birds are laying by now, or they've been made into pigeon pot pie.

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