Have you ever had a broody with almost ready to hatch eggs and not known about it when said broody was in a spot where you normally gather eggs? Or, if you found a hidden nest, would you collect the eggs and give them to someone without knowing how old they were?
I was away (busy) for a few days this week and I cracked all 20 eggs to feed back to the birds, and yes, some had began development. I know exactly what you're saying.
When you sell eggs or give them to friends, you wanna make sure this is never gonna happen to them.
Yeah, I made the mistake of giving a rotten one to a family member the other day. I don’t know how it happened since they were all fresh collected but I won’t want that to happen again. Same with any developing one which I don’t really need to worry about thanks to the fact I don’t have a rooster.
It doesn't really seem logical that someone would have mixed up an incubated, almost ready to hatch egg with fresh eggs. Could you candle it and take pictures?
ik idk how that happened either! ill take pictures
It doesn't really seem logical that someone would have mixed up an incubated, almost ready to hatch egg with fresh eggs. Could you candle it and take pictures?

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