Alright... so I got 5 new babies...


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 12, 2011
Plymouth, MA
about 6 weeks old... PLEASE tell me the white/black one is NOT a rooster?? He/She is the only one starting to get a comb. I know I have 2 Naked Necks... but not too sure what the other 3 are. HELP!

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He looks like a roo, what kind of bird is he? he is handsome thats for sure. and i think the other two might be EEs but i dont know much about them at all, just look that way to me.
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That's what I was thinking too because the other 2 EE's have not much of a comb yet and have totally different coloring. This one did start out as yellow/brown... now is white/black? I'm supposed to have 3 EE's and 2 Naked Necks...
That's how my EE roo looked...just a tad darker head feathers...I am still hoping he's a she, but the tail feathers are getting this glorious green sheen to them..


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