ALV and rehoming drakes


Jul 1, 2020
Small town in Western Washington
My Coop
My Coop
Like some of you may already know, last year I found out my flock was infected with Avian Leukosis Virus. A viral disease that affects most poultry. My question today is about ducks. I have 2 drakes I need to rehome. I could send them to freezer camp, but they're such great drakes. I've also become very attached to them over the years. I just don't have space for them anymore, and they've had to be separated to keep the peace with my hens. The situation just isn't working.
I have a friend that could take them, but I'm very very concerned about ALV. From what I've read, ducks are not affected by ALV, I've looked at numerous sources to be sure. While I do not want to spread this disease and would never consider rehoming any chickens, it makes me question rehoming ducks?
If ducks can't catch it, would they simply be considered a surface carrier? I know ALV doesn't last long on surfaces, so if they were separated under strict quarantine for an extended period of time, could I safely rehome them?
These ducks previously lived with infected chickens, but haven't lived in the same pen with those chickens for over a month now.
Interested to see what everyone thinks.
Good question and I don't know.

My understanding is Ducks are usually not affected by ALV.
ALV is mainly found in Chickens, but other Fowl can contract it. Transmission is through the egg to offspring, bird to bird contact and of course environment/surfaces.
Could the ducks bring the virus with them as "surface spread"? Maybe?
Could you spread the virus yourself by visiting your friend? Maybe...

Lots of questions, lots of ifs, maybes, coulds, Likelys, not Likelys...but no one can say 100% one way or another.

You don't even know if your friend may take them. Ask. Start a discussion with her. Express your concerns and be up front with her. Ask her thoughts and give her time to mull things over. After all, she's the one that would need to make the decision whether there's a risk (worth taking?) or not.

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