Am I a Redneck???

I was not born a redneck, but I've started to adopt the lifestyle.

My chickens crap on the front porch, I own and use a shotgun, and I throw a beery 4th of July party every year.

I think I'm getting there.
Yeah exceptions.... like anyone from a town with a population more than 300.

Owning chickens isn't terms for being called a redneck. Marrying relatives or sheep might be.
By that definition you can include all of European Royalty like 2boxers pointed out....

What???? You thought rednecks originated in the U S of A? Heck no!!!We just refined it is all!
I think redneck is a good thing and yes many people call us that with the chickens, goats, sheep, but I am proud of it I can fix anything with duct tape or a ziptie! I also feed the animals in my bathrobe. My dh who WAS a city boy is now a full blown redneck. We are not cousins and not married to our sheep. White trash is what you do not want to be, redneck not so bad.
Even though Jeff Foxworthy made being a redneck something to laugh about. To me it still stings a little.

I grew up in back woods, po-dunk, buttermilk biscut, cornbread, Alabama.
I was raised to view the term "Redneck" as a bad thing.

A redneck would buy a $10,000.00 4WD truck with monster tires and 6' lift kit while their kids had ratty clothes and poor health.

A redneck would own a $10,000.00 4WD truck with monster tires and a 6' lift kit and NEVER take it off road or even a dirt road for that matter.

A redneck would participate in cockfighting.

It seemed when ever rednecks got together at night, The most wonderful, loving old lady in the world that lived across the street would end up with a cross burning in her yard.

Rednecks use the "N" word to refer to anyone not white.

The Rednecks down the road never had money or time to cut the grass, get kids ready for school, take care of the house, fix the car or go to the dentist but the fridge was always well stocked with beer.

The Rednecks would be out drinking and chaising women while their wife would be at home nursing a black eye, putting the kids to bed hungry---again.

Everything I have listed I HAVE SEEN but was powerless to do anything about it.
You can call yourselves rednecks if you want but you'll never hear it from me.
Just regional differences in terms is all. The people you described are white trash, in my definition, definitely different than rednecks. Then you have the hillbillies, them there are the ones marryin sheep and cousins lol.
That sounds more like TRASH< Not necessarily just white trash either. Could be any color, even black trash will use the "N" word!

You brought up Jeff Foxworthy.
I bring up Carlos Mencia! Who has a clearer view. Here's mine.

I've lived in the inner city of Philadelphia.
:| Instead of a Monster Truck, it's pimped up rides,
:| Instead of cockfighting, Its pitbull fighting,
:| Instead of a burning cross at the nice old ladies house, Its beatup and rob the old Ukranian guy with one foot in the grave anyway.
:| They all use the N word
:| The innercity folks down the road never had money or time to cut the grass, get kids ready for school, take care of the house, fix the car Instead they let the state pay for their medical and food bills! Because even Rednecks can't get help from the state.
:| The innercity folks would be out drinking and chaising women and beating the innocent while their babies mammas would be at home nursing a black eye, and letting the kids stay up till all hours, hungry while she gets high, breastfeeding at the same time!
:| Everything I have listed I HAVE SEEN but was powerless to do anything about it.
Whatever you call yourselves. I think we need to lighten up a bit! We should not give power to word redneck! Or any racial word for the matter! Without power they would be used freely and no-one would get hurt. Love eachother and accept the faults with the strengths. That's what makes human!!!!!

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