Am I doing the right thing?


Sep 20, 2019
I have a cream legbar who is stunning and lays gorgeous blue eggs. I love her very much but over the last few months as she has began to lay I have found she has quite a voice. She screeches and cackles for 2-4 hours before she lays an egg. Once she has laid she is completely silent for the rest of the day. I have spoken to the neighbours either side who have said it doesn’t bother them and they are not worried. However I feel they are being polite and I can hear her though the double glazing. I have tried to quieten her but nothing works and essentially it’s in her nature so I leave her to it. However it becomes stressful for me as she is as loud as a cockerel and we live in a built up area with neighbours all around. I have found her a home with a relative in which she would be able to roam and cackle as loud as she wanted. For selfish reasons I don’t want to let her go but I am wondering if it’s for the best. Any opinions or advice as I am extremely indecisive and keep doubting as to whether to rehome her or not. Thanks everyone.
If the noise doesn't bother the neighbors... why worry? The way that I read it, you are the only one that is put out with the noise.....

So, if it bothers you, then maybe rehoming her is a good idea. It seems you have found her a nice home. I personally wouldn't give her up..... as long as the neighbors weren't put out. People will tell you if they are really bothered. At least, thats my experience.
You do realize it's your hangup over her noisiness, not anything else? I have a Cream Legbar hen that is exactly the same - extremely noisy preceding egg laying. It appears to be a breed quirk. Rehoming her isn't going to be a walk in the park for her, especially since she hasn't been a bad girl, just occasionally vocal. You would be punishing her for being a normal Legbar hen.

My advice is to get a grip on your hangup and chill.
Thank you for your responses. Recently I’ve heard one of our neighbours shouting “F***** shut up chicken!” Another blaring music possibly to drown out her cackling but they are very nicey-nicey to your face! If I had lots of land I wouldn’t be bothered and would let her screech away! But we can’t all be that lucky sadly. Never mind!
Confront them again! Is the fact they are home during the lockdown the problem... are they just now hearing it? Im one that would take them a doz eggs and a smile.... see if that helped. I personally wouldn't worry.... but then, I don't really care what they would say...LOL... I would remind them how they didn't care before! Now my husband.... he is TOTALLY opposite from me. He worries about what everyone thinks. :idunno
If you love her... keep her:D
It's bothering you, it's bothering some neighbors, and you have found a good home for the hen: I would just rehome the hen and be done worrying about it.
Is there no justice for a hen who is just doing her job (albeit noisily)? How about the rest of her flock? What will it do to flock morale if an innocent hen gets exiled to a faraway strange flock? Won't others start to wonder, "Am I next?"
Is there no justice for a hen who is just doing her job (albeit noisily)?
Yes--moving to a place where people don't yell at her and try to make her stop.

How about the rest of her flock? What will it do to flock morale if an innocent hen gets exiled to a faraway strange flock? Won't others start to wonder, "Am I next?"

Maybe in a flock of people, but I've never seen evidence of chickens reacting that way. If we're going to assume that chickens think like people--maybe they're tired of the noise too, and would also like a break!
Thank you for your responses. Recently I’ve heard one of our neighbours shouting “F***** shut up chicken!” Another blaring music possibly to drown out her cackling but they are very nicey-nicey to your face! If I had lots of land I wouldn’t be bothered and would let her screech away! But we can’t all be that lucky sadly. Never mind! there's a clue.
Sometimes the constant cackling bothers me too....and I yell the same thing(doesn't really help but for a few seconds).

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