I'm baaaaaack.....
Iris hasn't laid yet. She usually lays every other day. It's been 3 days since the shelless egg. When should I start to worry?
Also, since I've been keeping a very close eye on her, I've noticed that Zinnia, my BR, had been kinda mean to her. I'm wondering if Iris hasn't been eating enough pellets because Zinnia chases her off from the feeder. Iris just goes into the yard and free ranges. I'm wondering if that contributed to her egg mishap by depriving her of calcium and whatnot.
2 questions arise:
1) Is it possible Zinnia's pecking is contributing (or even causing) Iris's egg problems?
2) Would getting more feeders help? I only have one at present because I only have 4 birds. I also ordered a scale from Amazon so I can track her weight better to see what's going on with her diet.
Ok, 3 questions:
3) Is there anything else I should be doing?
I would give her a little more time before I started to worry. If you can catch her
you can always give her a treat of egg and sneak some calcium into it. If you are really good, then you can also direct dose her with Nutri-Drench or Poultry Cell. LOL I usually do give mine vitamins and calcium for a couple of days.
If you have room, it won't hurt to add a feed station, I do have a couple that like to be food monitors, but the lowest birds seem to find a way around that. I DO have multiple feed stations though so there is a difference there.
Stress could cause some egg laying issues, but Iris has not had any problems before correct? Zinnia may be picking at her a little because Iris is still not feeling well. Chickens spend a lot of time watching one another and note any subtle differences.
If Zinnia is not drawing blood, I would be inclined to leave them be and work it out.
It's good that you will have something to weigh them. My suggestion when weighing would be to do it first thing in the morning before she's had anything to eat/drink. I feel like this is the best time to get a consistent reading. For example if on day 1 you weigh her in the morning when the crop is empty, then weigh her in 3-4 days at night when she has filled her crop, your weigh in will automatically be different just because of food/water - make sense?