Am I feeding my girls enough...

I have 6 chickens and I feed them Scratch and Peck as well. I do 3 cups of fermented feed in the morning and then I add a cup of Modesto crumble on top. There’s also a mason jar feeder inside the coop with about 3-4 cups of dry Scratch and Peck and crumble mix. They almost finish all of that in a day. At the end of each week I make mash out of the left over crumbs in the mason jar feeder. My girls refuse to eat pellet.
I have 6 chickens and I feed them Scratch and Peck as well. I do 3 cups of fermented feed in the morning and then I add a cup of Modesto crumble on top. There’s also a mason jar feeder inside the coop with about 3-4 cups of dry Scratch and Peck and crumble mix. They almost finish all of that in a day. At the end of each week I make mash out of the left over crumbs in the mason jar feeder. My girls refuse to eat pellet.
This is exactly what I used to do. Like, exactly, but I can't get Modesto Milling where I am without special ordering it. It had a higher protein content, and my birds did well on it.
We switched off of Scratch and Peck brand feed for the same reason. Our chickens, especially the larger birds, acted starving all the time even with free choice face stuffing. We think for us (I'm not saying it is this way for all people), the hens weren't eating the powder and therefore were nutrient deficient. Much of Scratch and Peck brand's added nutrition is in the powder, and if it's not ingested, they aren't getting it. We switched to Bar Ale organic corn free pellets and they don't act starving anymore.
Scratch and Peck is one of the few corn-free foods available locally for us, so the switch wasn't easy but the birds seem to act more satisfied with their feed. I think we will be sticking to pellets as our primary feed from now on, with added fermented grains and scratch.
Scratch & Peck makes layer pellets now. I am planning to switch to those and continue fermenting the S&P grower.
That's good! Of course, if you feed them in the afternoon/evening, their crops will be full.

Is there a reason you aren't offering free choice? Just curious how others manage their flocks.
I feed my chickens greens/table scraps in the morning. They love to free range, which they do when I’m home. I always have feed available 24/7, especially since bugs and the sort are very scarce here in the winter. In the evening, I top off their feed trays and give them dried worms. I have 63 hens/pullets and 7 roosters. The main rooster makes sure they’re all in the coop before dark or else my Red Heeler will round them up.
Wow! I feed approx 4c layer feed for 5 chickens plus some kitchen scraps. I feed them early if I have enough time or afternoon when I return. It’s been very cold here.
I can’t imagine why we are told that each chicken should have “x” amount of feed per day. How are you supposed to regulate that. I have 5 feeders for my flock so no bully can stop a lower ranked hen from eating. I feed Nutrena Egg Producer pellets and throw out scratch feed twice a day. They also get whole pumpkins to work on during the winter. (I stock up at Hallloween). Also whole grain loaves of bread from a local bakery and lettuce and other veg. This gives them something to do all day because any bored critter gets into trouble eventually. Free range spring summer and fall until the time changes.
I can’t imagine why we are told that each chicken should have “x” amount of feed per day. How are you supposed to regulate that. I have 5 feeders for my flock so no bully can stop a lower ranked hen from eating. I feed Nutrena Egg Producer pellets and throw out scratch feed twice a day. They also get whole pumpkins to work on during the winter. (I stock up at Hallloween). Also whole grain loaves of bread from a local bakery and lettuce and other veg. This gives them something to do all day because any bored critter gets into trouble eventually. Free range spring summer and fall until the time changes.

An estimate can be helpful for people who don't yet know what is normal.

Some people expect chickens to eat a lot less or a lot more than they actually do.

If one person expects a chicken to eat an ounce of food each day, and another person expects a chicken to eat a pound of feed each day, then it helps to tell them both that it's common for a chicken to eat 1/4 pound (4 ounces) each day. Because otherwise the one would be starving their birds while the other would be either wasting feed or worrying that their birds didn't eat "enough."

Offering free-choice pellets often works well, because the chickens can adjust their feed intake as needed. But even then, an estimate can be helpful to know how many bags to buy at what intervals, at least until someone's had their chickens long enough to learn what is normal for their flock. (Half a bag left: buy more tomorrow, or next week, or next month? Depends on the bag size, and on whether they have 100 chickens, or 10 chickens, or 3 chickens.)
Am I feeding my girls enough, they act like they are starving everytime I come out. I feed them Scratch and Peck brand 18% layer feed. The bag suggests 1/4 cup per bird. I have 14 chickens total. I ferment 4 cups of feed and add 1/3 cup coconut pulp (I make my own coconut milk) and 1/4 cup chia seeds to the mix. I spilt it up and give half in the morning and half in the afternoon. They also get veggie scraps, carrot peels, apple peels, things like that. What do you guys think???
Am I feeding my girls enough, they act like they are starving everytime I come out. I feed them Scratch and Peck brand 18% layer feed. The bag suggests 1/4 cup per bird. I have 14 chickens total. I ferment 4 cups of feed and add 1/3 cup coconut pulp (I make my own coconut milk) and 1/4 cup chia seeds to the mix. I spilt it up and give half in the morning and half in the afternoon. They also get veggie scraps, carrot peels, apple peels, things like that. What do you guys think???
If they're acting like that hungry I would always have some food out for them to eat as the day wears on unless you are free-ranging them everyday for an extended. Of time? They should look nice and plump through the breast area and look healthy otherwise.

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