Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

I would love to be working that day. But my job is taking care of house, kids, and hubby. I havent had a job since 2003 when I injured my knee. All my family live 3 or 4 hours away from me. So that wont work. Wish I could say that, and spend time with my family.

Im a very nice and polite person. Im usually nice enough to not state my opinion to others in public. Like in front of others. If I made a statement about what happened a year ago, publicly then hubby would be very very mad.
I would love to go out and buy a new outfit. But no money too. The only thing I have to wear to the wedding if I go is a newer pair of jeans and a nice shirt. All my dresses dont fit since I have had my son.
Honestly..its not "R" that you have to worry about...
No woman can "steal" a man that dosent want to be stolen...
I'm sorry..

That being said..i would go to the wedding.(because its family..)... and i would make sure that i looked dam* good too! Just hold your head up high and have a blast... right in front of her face..with your man right beside you.
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This. Get some clothes at a thrift shop. And clamp down on the temper! Be the bigger, more gracious, friendlier person.

And after the SILs wedding, start reworking the marriage a bit. If DH was sending love notes back to a homewrecker.... counseling, lifestyle shift, whatever it takes from both of you. Good luck!
Go. Tell him to be the best MAN he can be. All possible meanings of the word. You go and be the best LADY you can be. Have fun camping. If you have to deck R, do it where no one else can see what happened. Let her explain the black eye herself.
I've known one of these people too. Almost ended up in DW and I divorcing. BUT there hadn't been ANYTHING going on. I turned down one proposition, quite rudely, and she didn't take rejection too well.
I wouldn't be in the same county!! Toxic person is an UNDERSTATEMENT!

BTW she WAS my best friends wife at the time. This witch made a hobby of causing some really nasty divorces, including her own.
yes you can!!! make a romantic weekend at home!
we have 7 kids and i can tell that its possible. send them to bed early, make a special meal a

the thing is though...i would be more mad at my husband, and i would be really wondering what the hell was going on that made my husband think it was ok to start writing love letters to another woman.
I agree with you. We tend to blame the other woman. What about the man? I can tell you this..once a cheat...always a cheat. I know because I have been there done that. I divorced him when it went a little more than the smiles and flirting. You should go if your worried. Better to be with him than let him go alone. He needs to prove himself. If that's possible.

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