Am I in the Right, Or am I in the Wrong??? UPDATE Pg. 14)

Nice to hear a guy's standpoint, especially when it coincides with mine.
I think it sounds like a toxic situation all around. If you feel sick about going, don't go! You won't enjoy yourself! If it were me, I would be furious at SIL for condoning R's behavior with your husband. I would NOT want to be there to celebrate her marriage! I would NOT want to put my husband in the position where he has to talk to R. Imagine how you will feel! You KNOW she will use the situation to try to rekindle the relationship! Ummm....What do single bridesmaids want to do at weddings?? Don't make yourself feel any sicker about this situation than you already are! Your husband shouldn't be angry about your decision. He should support you because HE'S YOUR HUSBAND! ( and he f'd up!)

Just my .02

I say you have a right to feel that way and choose not to go.


"R" won if you don't go. She sounds like the type to absolutely love the drama of it all and you not going would tickle her fancy. I, personally, would go just to spite her.
Hey PineappleMama,

My hubby did not know that "R" was going to be in the wedding when he said yes to being the Best Man. We just found out not that long ago. Like less than 2 months ago. But it is getting close. The wedding is in nine days. And my stomach is really getting sick over it. I cant really sleep at night about it.

Well at least its not like a formal wedding. The rehearsal is just the day before. And just one or two run throughs. There is no before wedding dinner or lunch or any thing. No one around here has money for that kind of wedding since the mill burned down.

Thank you for all your advice. Im listening to it all.

And to the couple of guys advice. Its nice to hear a guys view.

Sorry TerriLacey if my thread got a complaint, and some content had to be deleted. That was not my intent.

**Please keep this family friendly.**
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Don't go, keep your hubby with you.

R did NOT win, she has already scoped out her next victim. If she has nothing to do, she will gossip about you. So what??

A person should never be "required" to go someplace they are totally uncomfortable with for the sake of not letting someone "win".

R is a predator, not just toxic. The rest of her life will more than likely be spent trying to pry men away from their wives and then dumping them shortly afterwards.
Honestly, the more I think about it. I'm going to say that you should not go. Your going to make yourself sick worrying about it. Your going to be watching him constantly to make sure that he doesn't so much as glance in her direction. You will end up getting mad at him and probably end up in an argument over HER and SHE is not worth one second of your time.

But, my Mom taught me one thing. You can not break up a happy home. If you are truly happy and in Love with your partner, then there will be no feelings for anyone else, no matter how attractive that someone else is.

My husband's Ex has tried for the last 10 years to split us up. Were happy, and nothing she has done or said has worked. She has made up alot of lies about me too just to get him to leave me. He just laughs at her. I use to get mad, but not anymore. She isn't worth it. It's best to steer clear of people like that.

I'm sure that your DH is not upset with you, he just isn't sure how to go about telling them that he will not be there.

Hope everything works out for the best.
Awwww, go ahead and go. If R makes any moves on your husband, deck her.
That way you'll feel better and can be the wedding entertainment at the same time.

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