Am I neurotic???????

I have a very handsome, sweet DH......I'll trade ya for yours!
He would love for me to clean all day and match his socks! I would love for him to not care if something isn't brand new! This could work out for all of us
It's not necessarily a male/female thing. I still have shirts that I wore in college. I had a pair of tevas for 10yrs before they finally gave out. I never buy clothes unless I need to. All my clothes can fit in three small drawers. It always amazes me to watch shows about people looking to buy a house and the wife needs a huge walk-in closet just for her shoes...

I'm the same way. Why fix something that's not broken. I can't even remember the last time I purchased underwear.
F&M Man, you need to write an article, essay or book that includes that conversation.
You are definitely at the mercy of some weirdness but remember, there's some part of your weirdness that attracted your DH and that he loves you for.
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Yeah, but don't worry about it...we all are in one way or another. Your neurotic behavior is just a little more specialized and you are willing to talk about it which makes you sane!!
Besides, it was clearly time to get those other socks out of your house because that one was hiding under the pj pants and it was only a matter of time before they all picked up the bad habit and you started finding them under the bed, under the couch, under the car, under the chicken coop!! It's better to start off with a fresh batch and train them right!!!

Murano thanks but I'll have to pass. Mountain Man is the yen to my yang. He is long haired and scruffy and quite the oppisite of me. So you see he is everything I am lacking. I am the same for him. He goes around making messes just so I will have plenty to do.

Eggy I could write a book but no one would believe it to be non-fiction.

Momoeight ---- The socks are revolting!

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