Hi, I have an Amazon Parrot that I inherited from my Mother-n-Law, and his name is, Sonny. Sonny is a 26 year old parrot, and he has pasty butt. I don't know how to clean him off because he is a wild child. I have had to catch him in the past, and it was awful! I seriously thought he was going to have a heart attack. He gets extremely anxious, and starts hyperventilating. I mean it when I say it seems like he is going to have a heart attack. He was captured in the wild, and was never tamed. He does not like to be handled, and he hurts like heck when he bites my finger, hand, or arm, whatever he can get a hold of. What can I do to clean him off? Why does he get pasty butt? Do they make protection gloves for my hands and arm? Any advise and help I can get for taking care of him would be greatly appreciated. It stresses me out when he has a problem.