Ambient temps & incubators


8 Years
Dec 14, 2011
Marietta, GA
I woke up wide awake @ 4am, worried about my locked down LG. Someone was looking out for us. The temp had dropped to 93. Even my good incubator went to 97.

I live alone in a new, 45', 5th wheel. I use a space heater. The eggs have their own room. I'm thinking they will also need their own heater during this incliment weather. Since everything else was the same, I'm "assuming" it's the ambient temp.

#1.) Will the nasty little LG's drop to 93 hurt my lockdown hatch?

#2.) Will my beloved Genesis(which recovered quickly from 97 to 100) affect the eggs?

#3.) Is there a correlation between dropped temps to rate of rise?

Thanks y'all & stay warm!

I came here with the same question. I'm on day three and everything was holding steady over the weekend, but this morning, the temp had dropped to 98.4. Like you, I'm assuming it is because of the ambient air temp dropped to 62 overnight. once the heat kicked in this morning, the air temp rose in the house, and the temp in the 'bator started to rise as well. Unless someone with an expert opinion shows up, I'm thinking I may have to change up the heating cycle in the house for the next three weeks.
Well so far it's just you & me. So I think we're right!
The eggs probably held the temp that it was at before it dropped. As long as the temp didn't drop to far or for way to long than I think you'll be fine.

Happy hatching!
Many people still use old style thermometers, if you had one of those would you have noticed a temp drop? When the hen gets off the eggs the temp would drop a bit as well, so don't over think it, all should be fine.
I did hatches in my garage for a few years with LG's and didn't experience any drop that significant, is yours a still air? Mine are forced air so that may have minimized the fluxuations, how many thermometers do you have and what type, maybe your thermometer is showing a bit more change than is actually occuring? Either way I would be all is ok.

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