Ameraucana Chicks*They're Here*

Those are Easter Eggers, not Ameraucanas (Ameraucanas don't even come in that color especially as chicks) but still very adorable!

I'd watch them though - The light one is giving me a red alert for being a boy. The darker one is likely a girl though.
I don't care
it isn't like I was going to show them or something I
Easter Eggers anyways....I just wanted a little spice in my flock
They are adorable!
I love those little cheeks...gets me every time!
Seriously though....I cannot figure out the difference between Americaunas (sp) and EE's. I can tell the difference between Americaunas and Auracaunas.....I obviously can't spell...but I can see the difference.
If anyone could give us more information, that would be helpful!
My "Americauna" girls came from TSC and they were labeled as such. I've never seen a sign for EE's.
I like learning, so any help would be great, not trying to sound stupid at all!
The cheeks and the build seems the same to I have no idea. I hope someone can educate us. That link didn't really help me a lot....maybe I clicked on the wrong sections....
I cant really tell but the legs seem light to me. They should be slate grey if that helps.
All that matters if you have them for yourself and not actually breeding as far as ameraucana or EE.
I think you will have some cuties anyway

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