Ameraucana Rooster


In the Brooder
Jul 19, 2015
I have a mixed flock of various breeds and ages. I would like to get a pure bred Ameraucana rooster for them. My intent is that he will fertilize all my eggs and I could hatch out EE's. Is this correct?
Yes, using an Ameraucana rooster in your flock would yield Easter Egger chicks - and, depending on your hens, possibly some "Olive Egger" chicks as well. What breed(s) are your hens? You may even have the potential to have sex linked chicks depending on the breed(s) of hens and the specific color of Ameraucana rooster you select. Have you found a good, reputable source for your Ameraucana?
Yes, using an Ameraucana rooster in your flock would yield Easter Egger chicks - and, depending on your hens, possibly some "Olive Egger" chicks as well.  What breed(s) are your hens?  You may even have the potential to have sex linked chicks depending on the breed(s) of hens and the specific color of Ameraucana rooster you select.  Have you found a good, reputable source for your Ameraucana?
Ok that's great news! Atm, I have 6 BR, 2 CRx, 4 red production, 7 light Sussex, 2 orp mixes, 4 red stars, 1 Olive Egger, 2 EE Roos, 1 EE, 1 RIR x BSL, 2 white Silkies(1 is a Roo) 1 Light Sussex Roo, 1 BO x, and maybe 1 or 2 more that I'm forgetting lol. I will cull a few of the Roos I have in order to accommodate the pure Ameraucana into my flock. The Roos I currently have are Cockerels actually. The Pure Ameraucana is from a friend who ordered them in. I attach a picture for you to view. They look very pure to me yes. Explain the sex link and olive Egger potential that you mentioned please? Also, I have an option to get a Crested Cream Legbar rooster from her. I think I only want one or the other. I don't know what I can breed the CCL with so....?
Ok that's great news! Atm, I have 6 BR, 2 CRx, 4 red production, 7 light Sussex, 2 orp mixes, 4 red stars, 1 Olive Egger, 2 EE Roos, 1 EE, 1 RIR x BSL, 2 white Silkies(1 is a Roo) 1 Light Sussex Roo, 1 BO x, and maybe 1 or 2 more that I'm forgetting lol. I will cull a few of the Roos I have in order to accommodate the pure Ameraucana into my flock. The Roos I currently have are Cockerels actually. The Pure Ameraucana is from a friend who ordered them in. I attach a picture for you to view. They look very pure to me yes. Explain the sex link and olive Egger potential that you mentioned please? Also, I have an option to get a Crested Cream Legbar rooster from her. I think I only want one or the other. I don't know what I can breed the CCL with so....?


Here are the Ameraucanas and CCL

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