Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I have one that is not friendly and acts like I'm killing her (I was told it is a "her") when I catch her to put her in the pen. I can't find a color like hers under the "color list". She was born the middle of July. She's getting dark gold/tan all over her chest now.

That's because she's an Easter Egger
Although her leg color is correct, her plumage color is fairly common in EE's, unrecognized with Am's, and takes some tricky breeding to create with Ameraucanas.

Thanks. That's what I was wondering. She DID come from Ideal by way of the feed store. I just wish she was more friendly.
She'll calm, don't worry. I had an EE from McMurray who was an absolute freak when she was that one's age, then after laying she calmed down dramatically, to the point of being kinda stubborn.
Wow- she's gorgeous! That is the blue-est splash I have ever seen. At least I think she's splash

Love the butt shots!

Just wondering if anyone else has any input re conformation, etc?
I am so super excited about my new pair of bantam Wheaten Ameraucanas that I picked up at the Paso Robles Show. I have been wanting this color and size for a while now. Now if I could just get some LF Buff my collection would be complete! LOL


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Oh my goodness, they are beautiful! I have been taking notice of the Wheaten's, I am really liking them. Just gorgeous! And, they are cute little bantams at that.
A true Porcelain is a Mille Fleur w/lavender.
You require mottling too to get what you want.

But yes, people are breeding Lavender to black (
) for improvement but also to Wheaten to create Lav Wheatens.

thanksthat what i met lavender wheaten
is it poible make lavender silver
my breeding pen well consist next year is lavender rooster lavender hen black hen silver hen and a wheaten hen so next year all my babies well be lavender or lavender splits
OK, I bragging a bit about my 10 year old daughter Gabby. She has bantam Ameraucanas and just started showing last year.
Her black Ameraucana pullet was junior AOCCL Champion at the Wisconsin International show. It is a good size show with many juniors, she had the only bantam Ameraucanas however. We were very surprised as the pullet less than 6 months old. Gabby also was junior reserve champion in showmanship.

Were heading to Crossroads. She is taking a black Ameraucana cock who hopefully will be fully finished feathering out by then and also her pet Serama for showmanship. It should be a fantastic experience, Gabby knows that she is going to have fun and learn, that the level of competiton is going to be extremely tough.

The white Ameraucanas she just got from Bob Walchak, 2 pullets and a ceckeral. Her blacks and splash were from Mike Gilbert. Both Wisconsin breeders raise and show some very nice birds.



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