Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I have a question for breeders... Recently I had my first hatch of lavenders. Only four chicks hatched from the first batch in the incubator. One of these has no beard...muff but no beard. Do ya'll wait till this guy feathers out to see if the beard comes in or go ahead and cull now? I've hatched several clutches of blues and blacks and have not had a chick like this one. However I do have a pullet now that feathered out and didn't get her beard or her muff even though she had them as a chick. Obviously she will not be used for breeding but for table eggs for my GRANDdaughters. Thanks for any input on this...
Got my first Ameraucana in early March as a few day old chick. This would make her almost 8 months old. Of the 9 hens we got at this time she is the only one not laying.
She also seems to be a loner and the lowest in the pecking order, and doesn't easily approach us unless we have treats. Is this normal for the breed?
EDIT: Also, I'm curious because it's been hard to find examples of their color variations, but what type would she be called? Thank you for your input. This is my best pic of her, about two months ago. The muff and beard have filled in very nicely since then.
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My Silver Am is like this. She is 29 weeks old and not laying yet. She is a flighty little thing who is always interested in treats but not fond of being held.
The chick is 7 days old. The beardless muffless pullet is about four mos old but her hatch mates all have their beards and muffs.(sorry I don't know how to write on the post you are replying to like you guys do I'm not computer savy)
Yep, she's an Easter Egger. Chances are if you got the chick as a day old - It's an Easter Egger. If you can't pin point its color - It's an Easter Egger.
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