Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds


I think he looks good except for the lack of beard. Nice hackles on him. Good tail angle. Did he use to have a beard?
ETA: is his tail wry, or is it just the angle of the photo? Didn't notice it in the first pic, but the second... might just be the pic.
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I bought this chick as an ameraucana pullet and the hatchery hens sure did look like ameraucanas but people say it's an EE

This is a pic from a week ago so she is a little more developed now but I don't have any recent pictures. Opinions on her breed?


I think he looks good except for the lack of beard. Nice hackles on him. Good tail angle. Did he use to have a beard?
ETA: is his tail wry, or is it just the angle of the photo? Didn't notice it in the first pic, but the second... might just be the pic.

"He doesn't have his beard right now - the girls don't seem to like a guy with facial hair."
He has some feathers coming back in.
And no, his tail is straight. It's just the angle of the pictures. I was mostly concerned about the red bleed in his chest, the white fluff at the base of his tail and I also noticed that I haven't seen that patch of red that's in between the red in his wing and his saddle feathers on any other BW/W cockerels/roosters. Is that a coloring issue or is it because of the way he's holding his wing, or something?
It's an EE. Hatcheries tend to lie, same with feedstores, and even some "breeders" out there.

Real Ameraucanas don't come from hatcheries, nor feedstores, and don't have green legs or come in that color.
Hello All~ This is my first post on BYP. My family and I just got going with our chicken obsession a year ago, and I got a nice SQ Blue Lace Ameracauna hen. We hatched a clutch this summer (the rooster is a black) and the resulting babies are three blue laced and the other four black. Here's my question. They are June hatchlings, and I am not sure how to tell which will be pullets and which will be cockerels. There are a couple that have very reddening, more developed combs, so I'm fairly certain those will be boys, but the blue-laced are tougher to tell. Some have grey combs, some light pink. Some of the more rosy-colored combs are smaller than the greyish ones, and sometimes the ones I think MUST be hens because of their greyish combs are actually the squabble-starters. Any direction on beginning to figure out their gender?

Also, is there anyone close to Appleton, WI that has any nice SQ splash hens for sale?
If they are June hatch, then even the girls may be getting red in the comb by now. Your best clue is the saddle feathers- boys will have shiny streamers (probably a darker blue), and the girls will not. Sometimes blue boys will be 2 toned- darker on top and light on the bottom. The girls are uniform.

Geez my internet is crawling today
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