Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

HappyMtn about the young lavender birds in the flower the second shot of them, I noticed that the head of the bird in the foreground is slightly larger and more squared that the bird in the back ground. Is that just the perception form the shot or my imagination. anyway they are very pretty and now "I need lavender" sigh I was OK without them up until now but I well......... I am weak...........
They look more alike in person. I couldn't even see it until I uploaded the pics. Definitely going to keep them, so I will post more as they grow.

Does he appear to be double barred? i don't understand the amount of white. I do like it though.
Kate in CA hatched a lav chipmunk from these proect eggs, and its feathering in lav. Something new every day here.....
I save alot of shells from my hatched eggs in zip lock sandwich bags & then staple a bright post it note with details on top of & right through the bag. I have been aiming at the darkest blue eggs even though i am told the correst color you should want is pale. I have more dark than light now but am loving it.......LOL
I save alot of shells from my hatched eggs in zip lock sandwich bags & then staple a bright post it note with details on top of & right through the bag. I have been aiming at the darkest blue eggs even though i am told the correst color you should want is pale. I have more dark than light now but am loving it.......LOL
ooooo can we see the color?
I have a chick question. I hatched a pure black chick. I am relatively certain it came out of a black ameraucana egg. There is a slight chance it came out of a different egg, but highly unlikely. My breeders are all well separated, so no crosses.

I've never even seen a chick this black. There is absolutely no white on it. The pics may make it look a little brownish or greyish, and there is a spot on it's head where the fluff is stuck down, but it is a pure black chick. Even the beak and legs are blacker than they appear in the pics.

What is going on here? Melanistic? Some sort recessive genetic thing? I'll admit, I'm no genetics expert, but I really wonder what the heck is the cause of this chick being so black. My black ameraucanas are all from John Blehm's stock.

I don't know if you have been on the ABC site or not but I read a discussion about the E locus that I think has the information you are looking for. It was started by John and even has some pics of his chicks that shows the difference. Very informative thread.
They look more alike in person. I couldn't even see it until I uploaded the pics. Definitely going to keep them, so I will post more as they grow.

Does he appear to be double barred? i don't understand the amount of white. I do like it though.
Kate in CA hatched a lav chipmunk from these proect eggs, and its feathering in lav. Something new every day here.....
I gained more insight by reading your posts again. In the last picture I can see barring on the head of the female on my monitor. I am thinking that true colors do not show up until birds are almost a year old. I hatched out two lavender chicks (from blue eggs ????) They first appeared lavender but the male turned into a very pretty porcelain OEGB. In fact both of them were OEGB. I had ordered BBS bantam Ameraucana eggs. Very funny. And this was from a closed flock. I did get one black am bantam pullet. Gota love shipped eggs.

But my point is that I could not tell that the bird had a pattern until he was a older. You birds look young. But how old are they ?
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I think these guys are 4-6 weeks. I have been hatching small groups of them myself and tehn sending out eggs to a couple people that wnated to try them too.
I don't think the girl has barring though- it looks like fretting, which almost makes me think its a boy. Gah!
Well and please do not take this negatively,but I have seen pictures taken and posted by you that are much more clear. So keep posting pictures so we can see how they do develop and I sure do hope that at least one is female.

I think these guys are 4-6 weeks. I have been hatching small groups of them myself and tehn sending out eggs to a couple people that wnated to try them too.
I don't think the girl has barring though- it looks like fretting, which almost makes me think its a boy. Gah!
Its going to be a long process- lots of little ones growing out, but they are so fun. The strange thing is I got some blacks that are also solid. What's up with that?

Maybe the fretting is more clear in this pic. It is to be expected- at least *she* has a pea comb and a beard

Hey can I change my user name to "backyardchickens is not responding" ?

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