Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

That, too, varies. Depends on age, breed, and temperament. Ameraucanas are freakazoids when they are young . With the cost of feed nowadays, they are not filled to capacity. There are formulas for number of square feet to bird ratios, but what one breed tolerates and does well in, won't work for another. Even varieties within the same breed can be widely different.
An excellent characterization of young ameraucanas! They are absolutely xenophobic at any movement or sound.
An excellent characterization of young ameraucanas! They are absolutely xenophobic at any movement or sound.

Yes... yes they are, lol, but so are my adults, so nothing changed
The only one who isn't a complete spaz is my rooster.
I feel your pain. Here is what I posted on the Faverolle thread a few days ago. So sad!

Here is 9 week old Maggie. She was hatched and brooded with these two runner ducks. I think Maggie thinks she is a duck. She is constantly with them and they play and sleep together....except at night. I got a Silver Laced Wyandotte that is Maggie's age and started housing them separately from the ducks at night. But, both the ducks and Maggie cry if they are separated during the day. They are family. Maggie and our new SLW, Lacy, are too young to be put with the big girls yet. Maybe another few weeks.

So disaster! I am heartsick! As I was posting this post, a hawk came and got Maggie! I can't believe it. It was eating her when I stepped out the backdoor to put her to bed. I hatched her and only kept the one. RIP, my sweet Maggie.
so sorry. watch your others as if it is a resident hawk it will likely come again now that it knows chickens are easy meals .
Once they taste them many times they will keep getting the easy meal and cross the line from being a valuable part of the eco system to a pest. just like a fox , coon or coyote

Though with hawks there is not much you can legally do
Try putting up flags around your coop..Hawks do not like change.
Put out a chair..the next day tie a shirt to the chair and move it to a different spot.
You can get plastic flags you can stick in the ground. Make streamers and tie them in trees around the coop.
They do not like moving flapping things.

Sorry about your loss
Try putting up flags around your coop..Hawks do not like change.
Put out a chair..the next day tie a shirt to the chair and move it to a different spot.
You can get plastic flags you can stick in the ground. Make streamers and tie them in trees around the coop.
They do not like moving flapping things.

Sorry about your loss
best bet is a covered run. all this may help but no guarantee
Breeding coops.jpg (940×768) Chick Hatchery offering the best day-old chicks hey everyone this is a picture from chick hatchery John Blehm hatchery. Now hes one of the very best but when i look at this pic i see his pens numbered 19 and 22 has wheaten males in them. Is it normal practice to also breed the wheaten males back to black hens. Im new to the wheatens, can you breed them to a black hen just like you breed allot of lines back to black. the reason i ask and what maid me notice johns photo is I lost all my wheatens to coyotes except for two roos a blue wheaten and a reg wheaten. I have a few black pullets left and Possibly one blue pullet. Whats the hatch ratio and color when you breed the wheaten male to a black hen. And what do you get when you breed one back to a blue.
That is a brown red breeding pen. Brown red hens are all black with red in the hackle. Roosters do look a bit like wheaten though.....
Actually, forget what I said. That top pen does look like a wheaten/ black pair.

Wheatens were bred up from bantams, so my guess is that it has more to do with size than color.
Actually, forget what I said. That top pen does look like a wheaten/ black pair.

Wheatens were bred up from bantams, so my guess is that it has more to do with size than color.
but their size looks fine already doesn't it..

I do notice the color of the neck and the saddle hackles are different from top to bottom cage.
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Pullet or cockerel? She just grew a couple of peas on the posterior side of the comb (hope it shows up in the second picture). She's quite large and there is not a lot feminine about her although she doesn't have the pointed hackle and saddle feathers, redness to the comb that my (obvious) cockerels with the same hatch date have. Sorry for the bad lighting. Hatched April 1, pictures taken July 3, so three months old. Thanks


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