Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

She might, it depends on her genetic background.  If she has two blue egg genes all offspring will lay blue eggs.  If she only has one then half will lay blue and half won't.
But it won't effect her egg coloring no matter who fertilized it. I mean if a chick hatched from a blue egg it doesn't necessarily gonna lay blue eggs like her mama
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If she has two copies of the gene for blue eggs, all her offspring will inherit a copy and the girls will lay eggs with blue eggshells. If she has one copy, about half her offspring will inherit it, and of those that do, the girls will lay eggs with blue eggshells. THe mama's eggshell colour will be unaffected, but it does o into determining the colour her daughters lay.
Can one of you experienced breeders/exhibitors please explain whey the SOP (mine is 2010) doesn't have an eye color mentioned for white Ameraucanas?
Quote: When go to your first will see all kinds of conditioned birds. Some will be badly conditioned. I doubt you will have bad conditioned birds even if you do not house them. My two females are not caged and there first show is in two weeks. I better get busy.

. I was told this is an Americana or ee rooster what do you guys think ?

Hard to guess..looks like a hatchery red star male
Quote: My birds free range for most of the year. I do condition them 4-6 weeks prior to the show. I have not had problems with much bleaching from the dark birds. I have more problem with my Silkie white birds or my Orpington skirts getting bleached out.

They have sun screen you can mist on the feathers, however you will need to wash it off more than you want.
It says eyes: reddish bay. It is on the same line as beak, they left out a space.
How could I not see that!!!! Thank you. (Now, how do I put in that little smiley face giving itself a smack to the head?)

I hope whenever they publish the next SOP someone cleans it up. It is a mess. The page numbers don't match the breed names in the index. For the number of years that book has been published I would have thought it would just be a better product. I just find it a really hard reference book to use.
Hi all, I had a question regarding our one Amerucana. I'll give a little history, just so it's there. We purchased 3 blue wheaten "pullets" about 2.5 months ago. Two were the typical coloring for a wheaten or blue wheaten pullets (and look almost identical to our wheaten pullet we'd purchased from someone else), the third was white. They were hatched from shipped eggs that were all sired and layed by blue wheatens (to the best of my knowledge).
About 2 weeks ago the white one (Winter) began to molt, and I noticed a change in the comb size and color. A few nights ago I was holding Winter and noticed the new feathers are more like a cockerel's than a pullet's, I also noticed the legs and spurs are larger than Summer or Autumn's (the other two we purchased at the same time). So I compared Winter to Angel (the oldest wheaten pullet we have) and again everything is pointing to Winter being a cockerel.

Now I have three questions: can pullets/hens be cock-feathered, like a roo can be henny feathered? Could a white pullet or cockerel come from wheaten parents? And lastly what do you think the resulting offsprings' coloring may be? We only have wheaten, blue wheaten and Winter who is nearly pure white but not albino (legs, beak, eyes etc are colored like everyone else).
Thanks in advance, and I'm sorry if I repeated any questions that may have been asked earlier in the thread. If it would help I can post pictures once my camera charges enough for the flash.

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