Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I wanted to shoot that **** dog but my husband would not let me he wanted to be sure that the sheriff deputy and animal control saw with their own eyes the dog eating my rooster. Now I wish I had come home for the shot gun and splattered his brains and left him for his owner to bury ...then at least the sob would have to take some kind of responsibility! Thanks for your reply I do appreciate it
I feel your pain on this situation. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with this and more sorry about your birds you lost. A year ago we had a neighbors dog attack our dairy goats. One was killed (mind you she was supplying milk and had a kid on her) and the other was so tore up that she should have been put down. We chose to doctor her and pray that she would pull through but it was a rough battle to recovery. One neighbor was very polite apologetic and took his dog home and shot it himself the other insisted that her dog could never have done something like that. We caught the dog and by the time owners could come deal with it the blood had already been licked off. There is not a day that goes by that I don't wish that I had shot that dog because he was put behind an underground fence and they don't keep batteries charged in his collar. Already seen him down our way once and dreading the day that it happens again. As far a court goes, It wouldn't have made a difference. I have a buddy that just up the road his bottle calves were tore up by some rott's and he still hasn't gotten a dime even a year later. One thing or another cancels the court dates on the dog owners end. We decided to just handle it ourselves next time. We were out 2 milking does that year and had to wean kids early, also put in a ton of medicine and vet bills to get the surviving doe to live. Infection set up in her udder and it was a long uphill battle, but she is alive and she freshens without infection in the udder, just a little scar tissue from where they tore her udder open. She will die on our property and not by a dog if I have anything to do with it. Sheriff office says just shoot them so that's what we will do if it happens again that way you know that the dog won't be back.
I have seen on this thread someone mention they got lavenders from their white ameraucanas. Does anybody remember who that was. Also i know black is the way to go for improving lavenders but how does the genetics work with the white splits producing lavender offspring. Is it a dominant or recessive white the allows lavender to come out
Oh my goodness! That really makes me angry to hear such sorry irresponsibility !!! I am so sorry to hear this about your precious goats. My brothers family has a goat named Lucy and she is so sweet and precious to us all, I just can't imagine anything like that happening to Lucy! If you do shoot that dog shoot it twice for me please....
A bantam amercuana pullet I have. Now if she would just stand up!!!!! Hahaha for what you can see any comments?

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