Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

No they said that on the internet that's what kind of price they found. They didn't make an offer. However, they seem to be under the impression that I have to prove the birds worth to them. That just doesn't make sense to me. The damage was on my property not his. He made an agreement to pay those damages so I feel like if I need to prove anything I'd be better off doing it in court? I just wonder if anybody has had to go to court with anything like this?
No they said that on the internet that's what kind of price they found. They didn't make an offer. However, they seem to be under the impression that I have to prove the birds worth to them. That just doesn't make sense to me. The damage was on my property not his. He made an agreement to pay those damages so I feel like if I need to prove anything I'd be better off doing it in court? I just wonder if anybody has had to go to court with anything like this?

I would never go to court for something that small. You have no idea how the justice system simply doesn't work. You might be completely in the right, but that doesn't mean you will get anything. Ask their insurance company for the costs of the repairs to the pen and put a reasonable value on the chickens. If my dogs did damage like that, I would not be involving my insurance company over such a small amount. Maybe filing a claim in small claims court might get your neighbor's attention, but it will also make for bad neighbors.
Subscribing. I have a couple lavender AM's , but LOVE the Blues! The stockton show had some amazing blues…just couldn't stop staring
No they said that on the internet that's what kind of price they found. They didn't make an offer. However, they seem to be under the impression that I have to prove the birds worth to them. That just doesn't make sense to me. The damage was on my property not his. He made an agreement to pay those damages so I feel like if I need to prove anything I'd be better off doing it in court? I just wonder if anybody has had to go to court with anything like this?
If you don't PROVE the worth of your birds someone else that knows nothing about chickens will.......
Next time shoot the dog. Especially if still dining on your rooster. A sherriff here would have if they walked up on that.
Always take pics even if you never need them.
It really sucks when this happens. I'm sorry for your losses, I know you Must have been heart broken and that's its such a hard task to get to a point you worked so hard for and loose it all over another persons stupidity or :(
You can sue in small claims but won't get much for the hassle usually except sticking it in their heads you are not joking (so does a bullet to the dog masacuring a flock). It can be a few hundred dollars just to Get to court also. Burden of proof is on the one needed to get paid tho, you. Assume average going rate for each bird lost as livestock costs, damages to pen/coop/fence repairs. Get quotes from local builders on repairs send to their insurance.
No they said that on the internet that's what kind of price they found. They didn't make an offer. However, they seem to be under the impression that I have to prove the birds worth to them. That just doesn't make sense to me. The damage was on my property not his. He made an agreement to pay those damages so I feel like if I need to prove anything I'd be better off doing it in court? I just wonder if anybody has had to go to court with anything like this?
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I wanted to shoot that **** dog but my husband would not let me he wanted to be sure that the sheriff deputy and animal control saw with their own eyes the dog eating my rooster. Now I wish I had come home for the shot gun and splattered his brains and left him for his owner to bury ...then at least the sob would have to take some kind of responsibility! Thanks for your reply I do appreciate it

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