Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I'm thinking boy...because of that ring of feathers around the neck. One of my males looked like a lil eagle. Oh but its a bantams I see now, I don't have bantams...hmmm may be different. oh my goodness minis! Too cute.
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I am also in Texas! Where are you located? You mentioned you were going to help populate the state with Ameraucanas, what's your breeding program like? If I may ask. I'm new to this but would love to eventually break into breeding some beautiful babies.

While I wait for my babies here are my EEs from a local ranch. All puffy cheeks!!

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For educational purposes... Ignore the Lav Orps.
There are 4 Ams... Furthest left (looking at us in front) is a wheaten cockerel, the one behind him is a blue wheaten cockerel, the next one with it's back towards us is a wheaten pullet and the one furthest to the right is a blue wheaten cockerel.

ChickenLady - I still say pullet.
Three more weeks and my Ameraucanas from Paul Smith will be here. I have three blacks, three blues, 2 lavs, 2 splash and 2 blue wheaton. This is worse than waiting for Christmas. These will be my first Ameraucanas as last year my hatchery Ameraucanas turned out to be Easter Eggers. Yes, now I know, duh, but I loved them anyway. Past tense as a hawk got three of the five and the other two are now under armed guard. Can't wait. I will be posting baby pictures and probably asking every day how many roos do you see. Well maybe, I will wait a week or two before I start asking. Bet you can't tell I am really excited!
Three more weeks and my Ameraucanas from Paul Smith will be here. I have three blacks, three blues, 2 lavs, 2 splash and 2 blue wheaton.  This is worse than waiting for Christmas.  These will be my first Ameraucanas as last year my hatchery Ameraucanas turned out to be Easter Eggers.  Yes, now I know, duh, but I loved them anyway.  Past tense as a hawk got three of the five and the other two are now under armed guard. Can't wait.  I will be posting baby pictures and probably asking every day how many roos do you see.  Well maybe, I will wait a week or two before I start asking.  Bet you can't tell I am really excited!:weee

Just got mine a few days ago. You're going to love them. :D
Good Morning,

I wanted to share some photos of our new BW Ameracuana chicks who recently joined our hearts and home. These beautiful, adorable chicks were bred by Chickee (Candy), and were hatched on Feb. 14th : ) I am filled with joy to have them. Couple of months ago, when I saw the photos of Candy's birds, I was quite taken by their beauty, but, when I finally saw them in person, realized that it would be very difficult to do justice to their mesmerizing colors through the lens of the camera. These chicks are beyond belief in person! It is such a wonderful experience to acquire birds from an experienced, delightful and gracious breeder lady.. Thank you very much, Candy!
Finally, after a very long search, I have my own Ameracuana chicks which I wanted very much...


Oh, yes! eating and playing is their favorite past time hobby : )
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I am in NH and looking for a wheaten bantam but would take LF. Our flock of 14 was killed by a weasel. We have traps set and a reinforcing where it got in. Our little wheaten as actually a little blue egg layer we got at a TSC swap. She was our 1st bird and my little boy is really sad. We will pay and pay to have it shipped or can hatch eggs but I don't have room for a dozen. If someone can help me out or point me in the right direction that would be wonderful! Thank you Lisa and family


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