Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I bought one of these from Myers and paid quite a bit for it but then a couple died and I'm just not sure what this is! Any help would be much appreciated! Also is she a pullet, 11 weeks old. :fl




I have a splash AM that is 4 weeks old that is starting to look a bit like that from Meyer
Hmm I must of missed that part! Are you the one who said mine looks like a slash pullet?

Yes I believe that was me, It looks a bit like mine but mine is just over 4 weeks old. But it seems to be an AM slate legs say it's AM over an EE. But I am very inexperienced with them so I hope if I'm wrong someone here will correct me. It looks like a pullet to me.
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I am new to b/b/s breeding and have some chicks, just wondering about the color of this one. Sorry for the blurry bits I took these through the wire. Hatched April 15 so almost 6 weeks. Oh and thinking this is a little cockerel too. Just wondering is he a poor light blue or a splash? Or possibly a lavender? had a greyish body as a chick with a lot of yellow on head, neck & belly
Hard to tell with the picture, but I'm thinking just a poor light blue, but I do see some areas that might be splash. Splash take some time to develop their coloring. If it is a splash, it should have overall white feathers with splashes of blue. Are any wing feathers white? As far as sex, can't tell yet but if it is a blue and a male, as it develops the feathering will start turning darker in his cape. Same with splash males. They will usually develop darker feathers in their cape.
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I bought one of these from Myers and paid quite a bit for it but then a couple died and I'm just not sure what this is! Any help would be much appreciated! Also is she a pullet, 11 weeks old. :fl




It looks like a white to me but if they advertise BBS, then it could be splash, but a very washed out splash. Is it totally white? It does appear to have very nice slate legs and judging from the toes, the proper skin color.
Would someone be so kind as to tell me exactly which varieties (colors) of the Ameraucana are officially accepted by the APA.....I have seen one post that specified that Lavender was 1 of 5 colors accepted by the APA and another that said they weren't official yet.....The Club web site lists 8 "approved colors" of which Lavender was not listed. If the Club web site lists the color as "approved" does that mean that color has been officially accepted by APA ? I would deeply appreciate clarification on this. Thank you very much.

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